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VLSI-TSA 2010 : International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications


When Apr 26, 2010 - Apr 28, 2010
Where Hsin Chu, Taiwan
Submission Deadline Oct 15, 2009
Notification Due Dec 25, 2009
Categories    circuits   electron devices

Call For Papers

Original and unpublished papers on all aspects on VLSI technology and manufacturing are solicited.


* CMOS, SiGe bipolar, and BiCMOS ICs
* DRAM, SRAM and non-volatile memory
* Merged logic and memory
* SOI material and devices
* Device and interconnect reliability
* Process and device modeling
* Advanced lithography technology
* TFT technology
* Advanced packaging technology
* Advanced process technology
* Interconnect and 3D Integration technology
* High-k and low-k materials
* Steep Subthreshold devices and other energy related concept
* Nanoelectronic devices/technology
* Organic electronics and photonics
* Novel device concept
* Yield enhancement
* Process control

Camera-ready manuscript (2 pages including figures and tables) should be sent electronically through the conference website at Accepted papers MUST be presented by one of the authors at the conference to ensure the paper publication on the conference proceedings and all the presenting authors are required to register for the symposium. The presentation must be in English and will be limited to 15 minutes with additional 5 minutes for discussion. Papers presented at the symposium will be published in the proceedings as submitted without revisions.

Starting 2005, the VLSI-TSA Symposium presented the Best Student Paper Award to one paper that is best-written and presented by a full time student. The conference committee has decided to present the Award annually. The paper will be evaluated by technical committee members both on students' written papers as well as their oral presentations during the conference. The selected Best Student Paper Award will be granted in the next conference. Students must indicate with their submission that they would like to be considered for this award.

Paper Submission Online July, 2009 
Paper Submission Deadline Oct. 15, 2009 
Notification of Acceptance Dec. 25, 2009 
Registration Deadline for Presenters Feb. 28, 2009 

Note: The above dates are based on Taiwan time. Taiwan is eight hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and does not practice daylight saving time in summer.

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