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DSMM 2009 : ACM First International Workshop on Data-intensive Software Management and Mining


Conference Series : Data-Intensive Software Management and Mining
When Nov 6, 2009 - Nov 6, 2009
Where Hongkong, China
Submission Deadline Jul 20, 2009
Notification Due Aug 10, 2009
Final Version Due Aug 15, 2009
Categories    databases   data mining   software

Call For Papers

ACM First International Workshop on
Data-intensive Software Management and Mining

Co-located with CIKM 2009

November 6th, 2009
Hongkong, China


With the increasing number and size of Free/Libre and Open Source
Software projects, managing and mining large-scale software
repositories has attracted substantial interest. Software
repositories include source code version control, problem
reporting systems, and developer discussion lists. Managing and
mining these repositories has helped to understand and improve
software design, development, and maintenance. As these
repositories grow larger and more numerous, a need to use data
management and mining techniques becomes more urgent.

The goal of this one-day workshop is to convene software engineering
(SE), data mining (DM), and database (DB) communities in order to
help SE researchers learn about relevant data management and mining
techniques and to help DM/DB researchers learn about the nature of
software repositories and their relationship to software development
and maintenance.

DSMM 2009 encourages contributions describing research,
applications, and experience reports that use data managing or
mining techniques in large-scale software repositories. Developing
new data management and mining algorithms, or customizing existing
algorithms for large-scale software repositories are also
encouraged. The primary research topics include, but are not limited

- Software indexing and search techniques.
- Software pattern mining and management techniques
- Management/mining of large-scale multi-version source code corpus
- Case studies of management/mining of large-scale software


Submissions: Monday, July 20, 2009 by 23:59:59 Apia time
Author notification: Monday, August 10, 2009
Camera-ready copy: Saturday, August 15, 2009
Workshop: Friday, November 6, 2009

All deadlines are strict---no extensions will be given. Papers must follow the
ACM conference format and must not exceed the
page limits mentioned above, including figures and references. All
submissions must be in English. Papers must be submitted
electronically, in PDF format, using EasyChair.


For presentation at the workshop, we will solicit two kinds of

* Research papers (5 pages) will be expected to describe new research
results and have a higher degree of technical rigor than short papers.

* Experience papers (5 pages) should describe case studies in an
industrial setting or provide a critical discussion of experiences
gained in software development projects.

Accepted papers will be included in the ACM digital library and also be
accessible on this web-page before the workshop to facilitate
interaction and discussion between participants.


Workshop Organizers

Audris Mockus (Avaya Labs, USA)
Seung-won Hwang (POSTECH, Korea)
Sunghun Kim (HKUST, China)

Program Committee

Sebastian Michel (EPFL, Switzerland)
EJ Jung (University of Iowa, USA)
Joachim Selke (TU-Braunschweig, Germany)
Bin He (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA)
Chengkai Li (University of Texas, USA)
Ahmed Hassan (Queen's U., Canada)
Shay Artzi (MIT, USA)
Thomas Zimmermann (Microsoft research, USA)
Yann-Gael Gueheneuc (University of Montreal, Canada)
Miryung Kim (U. of Texas Austin, USA)
Lingxiao Jiang (University of California, Davis, USA)
Martin Theobald (Max-Planck Institute, Germany)

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