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ECSS 2009 : European Computer Science Summit


When Oct 8, 2009 - Oct 9, 2009
Where Paris, France
Submission Deadline Jul 5, 2009
Notification Due Jul 20, 2009
Final Version Due Sep 26, 2009

Call For Papers

Informatics Europe is the association of (PhD granting-) Computer Science and Informatics departments of universities and of top research laboratories in IT, public and private, in the European region and neighbouring areas.

The 2009 Summit will be devoted to the many strategic issues in the development of research and teaching in Computer Science/Informatics at the European level. The theme of the 2009 Summit is:
Informatics among the Sciences - Scientific principles in Informatics

The Summit will consist of invited talks by prominent academics and professionals, panels, and contributed talks. The Summit is the unique yearly meeting place of heads of CS departments, faculties, academic and national research institutes, and leaders of industry in the European software and IT domain.
Submit your proposed contributed presentation

Informatics Europe invites position papers for presentation with views, insights, theories, challenges and best practices. Contributions are sought on all issues relevant to Computer Science/Informatics in Europe and ECSS 2009 in particular.

Possible topics include e.g.:

* Impact of Informatics on other Sciences.
* What fundamental researchs in Informatics will be useful for other Sciences ?
* Informatics and ethics.
* What do other Sciences need in Informatics: engineers or researchers ?
* New problems in Informatics arising from other Sciences.
* What is a pluridisciplinary researcher ? How is one formed ?
* How to evaluate pluridisciplinary researches ?
* Multi-disciplinary curricula: myth or reality ? At which level: bachelor, master, PhD ?

How to submit

To contribute to the Informatics Europe 2009 Summit program, submit an abstract of your position paper by July 5th 2009. Submissions will be evaluated and selected by the ECSS 2009 program committee on the basis of relevance to (and capacity of) the program. Proposals may aim at a 20 minutes presentation or demonstration, and should consist of an abstract containing:

* A header with a clear title of your contribution, your name, position, and affiliation
* A clear text/summary describing your contribution
* A total size (of the abstract) not exceeding two A4 pages

Submit your proposed contribution to

Accepted position papers will be included in the web record of ECSS 2009.
Program committee of ECSS 2009

* Frédéric Benhamou , Université de Nantes
* Christine Choppy , Paris 13, France
* Gregor Engels , Paderborn, Germany
* Victor Gergel , Nizhny-Novgorod, Russia
* Antoine Petit , INRIA, France (Chair)
* Hans-Ulrich Heiss , TU Berlin, Germany
* Andrew McGettrick , Strathclyde, UK
* Bertrand Meyer , ETH Zurich, Switzerland
* Enrico Nardelli , Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" and GRIN
* Rumen Nikolov , University of Sofia
* Jørgen Staunstrup , IT U. of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Letizia Tanca , Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Jan van Leeuwen , Utrecht, the Netherlands

Important dates

* Abstract Submission: July 5th, 2009
* Notifications: July 20th, 2009
* Final version (not exceeding 20 A4 pages): September 26th, 2009
* Pre-Summit workshop for chairs and research leaders: October 7th, 2009
* ECSS 2009 Conference: October 8-9, 2009


ECSS 2009 is open to all heads (deans, chairs, directors, etc.) and deputy heads of departments, institutes, laboratories, or comparable units in Computer Science (Informatics, Information Technology etc.) from PhD granting universities or research organizations in the European region. In addition, the conference is open to authors of accepted abstracts. If you do not fit these categories but would like to attend as an observer, please contact the organizers of ECSS 2009. Examples of observers include representatives from industry, government, university administration, and representatives from other organizations with related aims in Europe and other regions.

We look forward to seeing you at the Informatics Europe ECSS 2009 Summit!

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