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When Sep 11, 2009 - Sep 13, 2009
Where Craiova, Romania
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2009
Notification Due Jul 1, 2009
Final Version Due Jul 15, 2009
Categories    artificial intelligence   communications

Call For Papers

The Conference will consist of regular sessions with technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international program committee. The official language of the conference will be English.

We solicit contributions of the following form:

* full research papers describing research accomplishment
* short research papers that report interesting results and do not justify a full paper
* communications, i.e. experience reports, surveys, project overviews, etc. which do not fully adhere to the standards of a first rate scientific publication, but are nevertheless of interest and value for the participants of the conference

Research papers will be published in Research Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Communications series Vol.109 (cover).

The conference focuses on knowledge-based systems, digital communications models including their theoretical foundations, enabling technologies and emerging applications. Submissions of original research and vision papers are welcome. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

* Knowledge Representation, Distributed Models and Reasoning, Information visualization
* Numerical and non-standard computations in knowledge modeling
* Emergent computing, Numerical, Fuzzy and Stochastic modeling of knowledge
* Operational research and computation
* Communication and network systemas, Wireless communications, Technologies and applications, Information security
* Image, Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing
* Applications of Informatics


* Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, University of Craiova, Craiova (ROMANIA)


Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, University of Craiova, Craiova, ROMANIA

Those interested in participating in:
o The organization of Conference/Workshop
o The reviewing process
o The conference promotion
o Recommending scholars/researchers in order to have an active participation and/or submit the papers.
o Proposing Organizations/Institutes/Universities as Academic/Scientific Co-Sponsors.

Please, enter to the conference web site: , fill the respective form. If by any reason you are not able to access the page mentioned above, please, send an e-mail at

Submitted papers will be sent to reviewers. Invited, non-peer reviewed papers, might also be accepted considering the CV of the author(s). Some of these invited papers, if chosen by the session chair as the best paper of the session, might also be published in this journal.

The audiovisual equipment provided for this meeting will be an overhead projector, a screen and a video projector. Unlimited access to Internet for all participants.

Reviewers are encouraged to fill the following review form:

Paper Number:
Paper Title:
Name of Reviewer:

Strong Accept (As good as any top paper in reputable journals)
Accept (Comparable to good papers in reputable journals)
Weak Accept (I vote acceptance, but won't argue for it)
Neutral (I don't like it, but I won't object if others like it)
Weak Reject (I would rather not see this paper accepted)
Reject (I would argue to reject this paper)
Strong Reject (Definitely detrimental to the journal quality if accepted)]

Originality of the paper:
Technical soundness:
Clarity of presentation:

LENGTH (relative to the useful contents of the paper)

About right:
Should be shortened:
Should be extended:

If the paper should be shortened, please indicate an expected number of pages (in its submission format) to be removed:


Accept with no changes:
Accept subject to minor revisions:
Knowledge Representation, Distributed Models and Reasoning, Information visualization
o Algebraic methods for knowledge representation and reasoning
o Formal theories for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems
o Logical methods for knowledge representation
o Knowledge based systems
o Knowledge Acquisition and Organization
o Distributed Logic Programming
o Models for distributed knowledge
o Image Recognition, Processing and Analysis
o Document and Natural Language Processing
o Expert Systems and WEB applications
o Educational and Training models in Intelligent Systems
o Intelligent interfaces, interfaces by voice, speech understanding and speech recognition
o Knowledge representation for Economic and Financial Intelligent Systems
Emergent computing, Numerical, Fuzzy and Stochastic modeling of knowledge
o Acceleration algorithms, applications in WEB search engines
o Neural Networks, Models and architectures
o Information vizualization
o Geographic Information Systems
o Visual Information Processing and Pattern/Target Recognition
o Computer vision
o Cooperative Multi-agent Systems
o Collective Intelligence
o Fuzzy reasoning, Fuzzy decision making, Fuzzy logic
o Interactions of Fuzzy logic, Neural networks and Evolutionary computation
o Genetic algorithms
o Evolution strategies and Evolutionary programming
o Learning algorithms
Communication and network systemas, Wireless communications, Technologies and applications, Information security
o Coding, Video coding, information theory
o Computers and Communications
o Intra-, Extra- and Internet
o Network Architectures, Topologies and Protocols
o Communication, Networking and Interconnection Technologies
o Voice and video Communication Systems
o Broadband Networks: Frame Relay, SMDS, ATM, B-ISDN, AINS, etc.
o Messaging Systems
o Transmission Systems
o Network Security and Security Technologies
o Wireless Data Networks
o Wireless / Mobile Computing
o Mobile Computing and Information High Ways
o Wireless / Mobile Software Engineering and Applications
o Wireless Networking
o Wireless / Mobile TCP/IP
Image, Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing
o Image and Multidimensional Signal processing
o Speech Processing
o Statistical Signal and Array Processing
o Multimedia Audio Processing
o Communication Signal Processing
o Very large Integration For Signal Processing
o Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing
o Digital Signal Processing
o Computer Graphics
o Applications in Natural Sciences
o Applications in Social Sciences
o Applications in Biology and Medicine
o Applications in Psychology and Cognition
o Applications in Law
o Information Systems for Higher Education
o Virtual Universities
o Higher Education Evaluation: Support Systems, Models, Case Studies, etc.
o Educational and Training Design

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