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HMS 2009 : International Workshop on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation


When Sep 23, 2009 - Sep 25, 2009
Where Tenerife - Canary Islands, Spain
Submission Deadline Apr 12, 2009
Categories    modelling   simulation

Call For Papers

Conference Aims

The HMS Workshop concentrates on applications of simulation and computer technologies to logistics, supply chain management, multimodal transportation, maritime environment and industrial logistics. HMS Workshop is a traditional event and it was held successfully worldwide, usually in the surroundings of major international ports (HMS1999 Genoa, HMS2000 Portofino, HMS2001 Marseille, HMS2002 Bergeggi, HMS2003 Riga, HMS2004 Rio de Janeiro, HMS2006 Barcelona, HMS2007 Bergeggi); however HMS foundations are even older, originally a "Harbour & Maritime Transport Workshop" was included as part of Simulation in Industry Conference, Genoa (1996) and then a "Modelling and Simulation within a Maritime Environment Workshop" was organized in Riga during 1998; in 2008 the conference moves to the South part of Italy as part of I3M2008.

In the past editions worldwide specialist had the opportunity to participate and interact to this important International Forum on Logistics. The audience included users, vendors and scientists operating in applying advanced techniques to supply chains, logistics and handling facilities.

Related Resources

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