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SETOP 2009 : Second SETOP International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security


When Sep 24, 2009 - Sep 25, 2009
Where Saint Malo, France
Submission Deadline May 15, 2009
Notification Due Jun 15, 2009
Final Version Due Jul 30, 2009
Categories    security

Call For Papers

With the need for evolution, if not revolution, of current network architectures and the Internet, autonomous and spontaneous management will be a key feature of future networks and information systems. In this context, security is an essential property that must be thought at the early stage of conception of these systems and designed to be also autonomous and spontaneous.

Future networks and systems must be able to automatically configure themselves with respect to their security policies. The security policy specification must be dynamic and adapt itself to the changing environment. Those networks and systems must be able to interoperate securely when they respective security policies are heterogeneous and possibly conflicting. They must be able to autonomously evaluate the impact of an intrusion in order to spontaneously select the appropriate and relevant response when a given intrusion is detected.

Of course, autonomous and spontaneous security is a key issue to address in different wireless and mobile technologies available today such as RFID, Wifi, Wimax, 3G, etc...Other technologies such as ad hoc or sensor networks are also very interesting for new type of services, and security in these networks needs to be managed in an autonomous and spontaneous way. The SETOP Workshop seeks submissions that present research results on all aspects related to spontaneous and autonomous security. Submissions by PhD students are encouraged. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

* Security policy deployment
* Self evaluation of risk and impact
* Distributed intrusion detection
* Autonomous and spontaneous response
* Trust establishment
* Security in ad hoc networks
* Security in sensor/RFID networks
* Security of Next Generation Network
* Security of Service Oriented Architecture
* Security of opportunistic Networks
* Privacy in self-organized networks
* Secure localization
* Context aware and ubiquitous computing
* Secure interoperability and negotiation
* Self-organization in secure routing
* Identity management

Submission guidelines

Submissions must be in English. Maximum length for submissions is 15 pages (A4 format, one column, 11-point font). Papers must be submitted in PDF and for the final version the sources of the contribution in LaTeX will also be required.
The proceedings of the SETOP Workshop will be published by Publibook in the collection "Information and Communication" with an ISBN reference. A selection of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for publication in a special issue of the "Annals of Telecommunications" journal.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline May 15th 2009
Notification of acceptance June 15th 2009
Camera ready due July 30th 2009
Registration Deadline 2009
SETOP 2009 Workshop September 24 th- 25 th 2009
ESORICS 2009 Conference September 2009

Related Resources

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CCS 2025   ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2024 (round 2)
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IEEE CSR 2025   2025 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience
ISCSIC 2025   2025 9th International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control(ISCSIC 2025)
ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
SoCAV 2025   2025 International Symposium on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (SoCAV 2025)
ISC 2025   Information Security Conference
CANS 2025   Cryptology and Network Security