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SS4SW 2009 : International Workshop on Smart Services for Smart Worlds


When Jul 7, 2009 - Jul 10, 2009
Where Brisbane, Australia
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2009
Notification Due Mar 25, 2009
Final Version Due Apr 10, 2009

Call For Papers

International Workshop on Smart Services for Smart Worlds (SS4SW)

"Explore new applications, business ideas and research challenges at
the intersection of things and services."

Held in conjunction with the IEEE 6th International Conference on
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-09)
Brisbane, Australia, 7 - 10 July, 2009


Services are the dominant type of economic activity in industrialized
economies. The term Internet of Services relates to the representation
and (partial) execution of services - in the economic sense - in the
Internet. Many issues around the mapping between economic services and
services in the IT sense are still unresolved. Additionally, only
a small fraction of services are entirely dematerialized; the vast
majority of services ultimately relate to things in the real world: to
the Internet of Things. The Ubiquitous Computing community has already
made considerable advances in closing the information gap between
services and things. One well-known example is the use of RFID tags in
logistics. Yet this is only the beginning, there still exists a largely
untapped source of innovation at the junction of services and things.

This workshop is about bringing together industry and academia to
explore how advances in ubiquitous computing techniques can help
improve existing economic services and create opportunities for new
services. We are also interested in how services can add value to smart
things. This is a forum for industry to learn about recent advances in
both services and Ubicomp and also for researchers to learn about the
problems faced by industry that may spark new research questions and
the next wave of Ubicomp applications.

We solicit a) technical papers with a proven original scientific
contribution and b) systematic, well-founded experience reports and
requirements / demands analyses. Core IT papers and papers at the
boundary of technology and business or humanities are also invited.

We also welcome contributions that address solely the topic of
services, independently of ubiquitous computing, since we believe this
also contributes to cross-fertilization of ideas in the context of
UIC-09. Technical, business and legal aspects of services all have
their place here.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

* Identification of services in existing systems and business processes
* Approaches for fostering the creation, use and re-use of services
* Aggregation, brokerage and re-purposing of services
* Personalisation of services to classes of users and individual users
* Channels and technologies for accessing services
* Service lifecycle management
* Legal aspects of service ecosystems
* New business models enabled by smart things
* Doing business better, cheaper, faster, greener with smart things
* Economics and sustainability of using smart things
* Applications of things and services in media and advertisement
* Applications of things and services to delivering healthcare and
services to citizens
* Applications of things and services to manufacturing and supply
chain management
* Lifecycle management of smart things
* Discovering services through smart things
* Discovering smart things using services
* Machine-processable representations of services stored in
smart things
* Linking smart things to their related services
* Representation of real world things in virtual worlds
* Running services inside smart things
* Privacy and security issues with things and services


We invite all researchers to participate by submitting an original
paper of up to 6 pages in IEEE CS style. Please see the workshop
website for document templates and for details on the submission
procedure ( Each paper will be reviewed by at
least two members of the PC.

Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE in a single volume with
proceedings from all UIC-09 workshops. Extended versions of the best
papers may be invited for publication in a journal at a later stage.


Feb. 15, 2009 Paper submission deadline
Mar. 25, 2009 Authors notification
Apr. 10, 2009 Camera-ready papers due


* Dr. Julien Vayssiere (Smart Services CRC, Australia)
* Prof. Dr. Max Muhlhauser (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
* Dr. Erwin Aitenbichler (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (tentative; in alphabetical order)

* Dr. Erwin Aitenbichler (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
* Dr. Alistair Barros (SAP Research Brisbane, Australia)
* Dr. Ross Brown (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
* Prof. Michael Fry (University of Sydney, Australia)
* Dr. Tim Mansfield (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
* Prof. Dr. Max Muhlhauser (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
* Prof. S. Panchanathan (Arizona State University, USA)
* Prof. Michael Rosemann (Queensland University of Technology,
* Dr. Rainer Ruggaber (SAP Research Karlsruhe, Germany)
* Dr. Sharad Singhal (HP Labs Palo Alto, USA)
* Dr. Julien Vayssiere (Smart Services CRC, Australia)
* A/Prof. Wayne Wobcke (University of New South Wales, Australia)


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