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IWMSE 2009 : Second International Workshop on Multicore Software Engineering


When May 18, 2009 - May 18, 2009
Where Vancouver, Canada
Submission Deadline Jan 26, 2009
Notification Due Feb 5, 2009
Final Version Due Feb 16, 2009
Categories    software engineering

Call For Papers

Second International Workshop on Multicore Software Engineering

May 18, 2009, Vancouver, Canada

co-located with the 31st International Conference on
Software Engineering, May 16-24, 2009

Aims and Scope

With the emergence of multicore computers, software engineers face
the challenge of parallelizing performance-critical applications of
all sorts. Compared to sequential applications, our repertoire of
tools and methods for cost-effectively developing reliable, fault
tolerant, robust parallel applications is spotty. The purpose of this
workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners with
diverse backgrounds in order to advance the state of the art in
software engineering for multi/manycore parallel applications.

The workshop is aimed at making parallelism available to a wide
range of applications using systematic software engineering
methodology. We seek a broad variety of work that furthers the
knowledge and understanding of the software engineering and parallel
systems communities as a whole, continues a significant research
dialog, or pushes the architectural boundaries of multicore software.
We solicit original, previously unpublished papers of current or
work-in-progress research. Specific topics of interest include, but
are not limited to:

* Parallel patterns
* Frameworks and libraries for multicore software
* Parallel software architectures
* Modeling techniques for multicore software
* Software components and composition
* Programming languages/models for multicore software
* Compilers for parallelism
* Testing and debugging parallel applications
* Parallel algorithms and data structures
* Software reengineering for parallelism
* Transactional Memory
* Autotuning
* Operating system support, scheduling
* Visualization tools
* Development environments for multicore software
* Process models for multicore software development
* Experience reports from research or industrial projects
* Fault tolerance techniques
* Execution monitoring with multicores

Keynote Speaker

Burton J. Smith, Technical Fellow, Microsoft

Important dates

* Submission deadline: January 26, 2009
* Acceptance notification: February 5, 2009
* Camera-ready version: February 16, 2009
* Workshop: May 18, 2009


Please consult the workshop Web site

Workshop Organizers

* Adam Porter, University of Maryland, USA
* Larry Votta, Brincos Inc., USA
* Victor Pankratius, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Program Committee

* Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai (Intel, USA)
* Andrew Begel (Microsoft Inc., USA)
* Danny Dig (University of Illinois UC, USA)
* Zbigniew Kalbarczyk (University of Illinois UC, USA)
* Asif Naseem (GoAhead Inc., USA)
* Victor Pankratius (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
* Michael Philippsen (University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany)
* Adam Porter (University of Maryland, USA)
* Rodric Rabbah (IBM Watson / MIT, USA)
* Nir Shavit (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
* Burton J. Smith (Microsoft Inc., USA)
* Walter F. Tichy (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
* Christopher Vick (Sun Microsystems Inc., USA)
* Lawrence Votta (Brincos Inc., USA)

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