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HCINLE 2009 : KES-IIMSS INVITED SESSION: Human-Computer Interaction in Natural Language Environment


When Jul 16, 2009 - Jul 17, 2009
Where Mogliano Veneto, Milan, Italy
Submission Deadline Jan 19, 2009
Notification Due Feb 27, 2009
Final Version Due Mar 23, 2009
Categories    HCI   NLP

Call For Papers

Systems based on human-computer interactions are increasingly being
deployed. Systems can interact with humans using different devices and
sensors capturing its movements, but computers can also interact with
humans through natural language. This special session is intended to
investigate the role of Natural Language Processing for systems based
on human-computer interactions. This includes systems which can engage
a dialog with humans, answer to their questions, react to a command
in natural language and give a feedback in natural language.

Original contributions are invited.
Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Human-computer Interaction using Natural Language Understanding
* Human-computer Interaction using Semantics
* Question Answering Systems
* Dialog Systems
* Chat Bots using Natural Language Processing
* Retrieving Systems using Natural Language Processing
* Natural Language Commands Interpreters
* Natural Language Generators
* Summarization Systems
* Information Extraction Systems
* Natural Language in Knowledge Systems

Organized by:
Giovanni Angelini, Monica Bianchini, Ernesto di Iorio (University of Siena)

Program Committee
Oliviero Stock (senior fellow ITC-irst, Italy)
Marco Maggini (University of Siena, Italy)
Rodolfo Del Monte (Università Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy)
Bernardo Magnini (FBK, irst, Italy)
Marco Lippi (Univeristy of Florence, Italy)
Nicola Lavarini (Expert System, enterprise, Itlay)
Franco Scarselli (University of Siena, Italy)
Leonardo Rigutini (University of Siena, Italy)
Michelangelo Diligenti (University of Siena, Italy)

Other details are available

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