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ICIMP 2009 : The Fourth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection | |||||||||||
Link: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/ICIMP09.html | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
ICIMP 2009, The Fourth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection
May 24-28, 2009 - Venice, Italy General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/ICIMP09.html Call for Papers: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/CfPICIMP09.html Submission deadline: December 10, 2008 Submissions will be peer-reviewed, published by IEEE CPS, posted in IEEE Digital Library, and indexed with the major indexes. Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org Please note the Poster Forum special submission with on progress and challenging ideas. ICIMP 2009 Special Areas (details in the CfP on site): TRASI: Internet traffic surveillance and interception IPERF: Internet performance RTSEC: Security for Internet-based real-time systems DISAS: Disaster prevention and recovery EMERG: Networks and applications emergency services MONIT: End-to-end sampling, measurement, and monitoring REPORT: Experiences & lessons learnt in securing networks and applications USSAF: User safety, privacy, and protection over Internet SYVUL: Systems vulnerabilities SYDIA: Systems diagnosis CYBER-FRAUD: Cyber fraud BUSINESS: Business continuity RISK: Risk assessment TRUST: Privacy and trust in pervasive communications RIGHT: Digital rights management BIOTEC: Biometric techniques EMDRM: Enterprise & Media DRM ================ Committee Chairs Sorin Georgescu, Ericsson Research – Montreal, Canada Seppo Heikkinen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Paul Watters, University of Ballarat, Australia Industry Chairs Chi Zhang, Juniper Networks, USA Dominik Birk, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany Nicolas Fischbach, COLT Telecom – London, UK Saverio Niccolini, NEC Laboratories Europe – Heidelberg, Germany Marco Casassa Mont, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, UK Advisory Chairs Petre Dini, Cisco Systems Inc., USA // Concordia Univ., Canada Stein Gjessing, University of Oslo, Norway Go Hasegawa, Osaka University, Japan Michael Logothetis, University of Patras, Greece Igor Podebrad, Commerzbank, Germany |