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CANT 2009 : International School on Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory


When Jun 1, 2009 - Jun 5, 2009
Where Liege (Lugen), Belgium
Submission Deadline Feb 27, 2009
Notification Due Apr 13, 2009
Final Version Due May 15, 2009
Categories    combinatorics   automata   number theory

Call For Papers

Topics of interest

The topics of the conference will range from the mathematical foundations of automata theory to the more recent applications. The programme will include a mix of invited and contributed papers. All areas covered by the AutoMathA programme are welcome:

* Automata models
o Automata on words, infinite words, traces, trees, graphs, etc.
o Extended automata (alternating, probabilistic, with counters, stacks, hybrid, Max-Plus, etc.)
o Automata with output, transducers
* Fundamental aspects of the theory of automata
o Mathematical foundations: semigroups and algebra, topology, etc.
o Logic, circuits, etc.
o Algorithms on automata and words
o Languages and formal grammars
o Symbolic dynamics and coding
* Applications
o System analysis and verification
o Natural language processing, text and hypertext processing, information retrieval, data compression
o Control and Discrete Event Systems
o New challenges for automata theory (biology, mobile computing, quantum computing, tomography, picture processing, multi-sensor integration).

Important dates

* Deadline for submitting a paper : 27th February 2009
* Notification to authors : 13rd April 2009
* Deadline for registration : 15th May 2009

Please note that the deadline for submission is a strict deadline.

Related Resources

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