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GBR 2009 : 7th IAPR -TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition


When May 26, 2009 - May 28, 2009
Where Venice, Italy
Submission Deadline Jan 10, 2009
Notification Due Feb 22, 2009
Final Version Due Mar 16, 2009
Categories    pattern recognition

Call For Papers

GbR is a biennial workshop organized by the technical committee 15 of the IAPR, aimed at encouraging research works in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis within the graph theory framework. This workshop series traditionally provide a forum for presenting and discussing research results and applications in the intersection of pattern recognition, image analysis on one side and graph theory on the other side. In addition, given the avenue of new structural/graphical models and structural criteria (e.g. belief-propagation, specific graphs under the constellation approach, graph kernels, graph-cuts, dominant sets) for solving computer-vision problems, GbR2009 organization encourages researchers in this more general context to actively participate in the workshop. Furthermore, the application of graphs to pattern recognition problems in other fields like computational chemistry and bioinformatics is also an important topic within the scope of the workshop.

Original and unpublished papers concerning the following topics are welcome:
- graph matching,
- graph based image segmentation,
- irregular (graph) pyramids,
- graph representation of shapes,
- graph based learning,
- graph learning and clustering,
- graphs vs rigid structures (quadtrees, pyramids),
- graph transformations,
- data mining with graphs,
- belief-propagation methods,
- graph-cuts methods,
- graphs in constellation models,
- graphs in computational chemistry and bioinformatics.

Electronic submission is requested. The manuscript (not longer than 10 pages, formatted according to the instructions that will be available at the site, should be send to the scientific secretaria. Prospective contributors are encouraged to submit papers and to attend GbR2009. Each paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee.

Deadline for paper submission January 10 2009
Notification of acceptance February 22 2009
Camera-ready March 16 2009
Registration TBD

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