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COMSWARE 2009 : Fourth International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware


Conference Series : COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRE
When Jun 15, 2009 - Jun 19, 2009
Where Dublin, Ireland
Submission Deadline Feb 12, 2009
Categories    mobility   software engineering

Call For Papers


The Fourth International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware (COMSWARE) will focus on important innovations and recent advances in the specification, design, construction and uses of communication systems software and middleware. Current communication systems cover a huge range of computing platforms from traditional fixed line telecommunication systems to mobile computing, multimedia systems, peer-to-peer networks and Internet services. All communication systems must interoperate with each other. Connecting and coordinating the communication is critical for communicating system middleware. The conference provides the premier international forum for researchers, business leaders, educators and practitioners to present and discuss recent innovations, advances in technology, experiences in current systems and potential concerns in the field of communication systems and middleware. The conference will feature a high quality technical program consisting of invited speakers, regular papers, short papers, industrial track, posters and workshops.


Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited. The specific topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:

* Innovative architectures for Internet services, web services
and service composition
* Achieving security, reliability, and quality of service in
communication networks, protocols, middleware, applications,
and internet services
* Methods and tools for designing, verifying, and evaluating
communications systems
* Large-scale system integration, software evolution, software
engineering methodologies, and requirements engineering for
communication systems and Internet services
* Wireless and mobile networking, wireless operating systems,
mobile platforms and embedded systems
* Communication and middleware systems architecture, design
principles, development methods, and business models
* Middleware for ubiquitous and mobile computing, embedded
systems, peer-to-peer systems and applications
* Middleware for complex event processing, event-based systems,
publish/subscribe and messaging middleware
* Real world experiences in specification, design, construction or
uses of communication systems software and middleware
* Innovations in operations and management of large networks and
large-scale enterprise systems

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