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CME 2009 : ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering


When Apr 9, 2009 - Apr 11, 2009
Where Tempe, AZ, USA
Submission Deadline Dec 1, 2008
Categories    biomedical engineering

Call For Papers

2009 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering will be held during April 9-11 at Tempe, AZ, USA. The organizing committee warmly welcomes your participation and invites you to submit exciting and breakthrough research and development work to the conference. This will be the third installment of the International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering following its successful showing in 2005 (Kagawa, Japan) and 2007 (Beijing, China). The aim of CME 2009 is to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields to promote scientific research and industrial development in the field of complex medical engineering. The conference will consist of workshops, special sessions, tutorials and keynote presentations from renowned experts. We invite you to participate in an exciting interchange of ideas in the following cutting edge areas of clinical medicine, Neuroscience and Bioengineering.
The technical issues to be addressed include, but not limited to:

Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics

* Medical Robotics
* Nano/Micro Bio-robotics

Information and Communication Technology in Medicine

* Artificial Intelligence in Medicine/Medicinal science
* Medical web intelligence and telemedicine
* Medical knowledge networks and management
* Data mining in medicine

Biomedical image processing

* Image reconstruction
* Image segmentation and analysis

Biomedical Optics

* Photonic therapeutics, diagnostics and instrumentation
* Biophotonics and multiphoton microscopy
* Tissue optics and diffuse optical imaging

Technology in Rehabilitation

* Rehabilitation robotics
* Neurorehabilitation
* Home rehabilitation, e-Health care etc

Cognitive Neuroscience and Technology

* Imaging modalities for cognition
* Technologies for human vision
* Brain-machine interfaces
* Clinical monitoring EEG, TMS etc

Complex Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

* Cybernetics
* Bio-statistics and data mining
* Systems biology
* Genomics and proteomics

Biosensors and Bio-analytics

* High-throughput screening methods
* Micro-array technologies
* Protein sorting methods
* Novel biosensing modalities
* Micro- and nano-biosensors

Neuroscience and Neural Technology

* Imaging neuroscience
* Neurology and signal processing
* Theoretical and computational neuroscience
* Neural control

DATES: April 9-11, 2009

The conference paper will be 4-6 page IEEE double column format and indexed by IEEE Xplorer.

Tentative paper due date: December 1, 2008

Online Registration deadline: February 15 2008

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