The ADMI workshop provides a premier forum for sharing research and engineering results, as well as potential challenges and prospects encountered in the respective communities and the coupling between agents and data mining. The workshop welcomes theoretical work and applied dissemination aiming to: (1) exploit agent-enriched data mining and demonstrate how intelligent agent technology can contribute to critical data mining problems in theory and practice; (2) improve data mining-driven agents and show how data mining can strengthen agent intelligence in research and practical applications; (3) explore the integration of agents and data mining towards a super-intelligent system; (4) discuss existing results, new problems, challenges and impact of integration of agent and data mining technologies as applied to highly distributed heterogeneous, including mobile, systems operating in ubiquitous and P2P environments; and (5) identify challenges and directions for future research and development on the synergy between agents and data mining. Particularly, ADMI’ 14 will focus on the theme, namely Agent Mining, and concentrate on the integration of emerging techniques like social computing, agent behaviorally modeling, big data and cloud computing.