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SMDB 2009 : ICDE Workshop on Self-managing Database Systems


When Mar 29, 2009 - Mar 29, 2009
Where Shanghai, China
Submission Deadline Oct 23, 2008
Notification Due Nov 26, 2008
Final Version Due Jan 8, 2009
Categories    databases

Call For Papers

4th International Workshop on Self Managing Database Systems (SMDB '09)

Held in conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Data
Engineering (ICDE '09), Shanghai, China

Workshop date: Sunday March 29, 2009

Workshop Overview:

Information management systems are growing rapidly in scale and
complexity, while skilled database administrators are becoming rarer
and more expensive. Increasingly, the total cost of ownership of
information management systems is dominated by the cost of people, rather
than hardware or software costs. This economic dynamic dictates that
information systems of the future be more automated and simpler to use,
with most administration tasks transparent to the user. The aim of this
workshop is to exchange ideas related to autonomic, or self-managing,
information systems in an informal and interactive setting. SMDB 2009
will be a one-day workshop in which accepted papers will be presented in
a single track and discussed by all participants. Participation in the
workshop will not be limited to those whose papers are accepted.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Fundamentals and principles of self-managing information systems
- Architectures for self-managing information systems
- Automatic physical database design and adaptive query tuning
- Self-organizing databases
- Self-diagnosing / self-healing databases
- Self-protecting databases
- Automated provisioning of resources
- Automated data integration
- Automatic enforcement of information quality
- Self-managing distributed / peer-to-peer information systems
- Evaluation criteria and benchmarks for self-managing database systems
- Policy automation for database administration
- Data models for self-managing systems
- Automated discovery of data semantics
- User acceptance and trust of self-managing features

Important Dates:

Paper submission: October 23, 2008
Notification of acceptance: November 26, 2008
Camera ready papers due: January 8, 2009

Note: The paper submission deadline is 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time.

Submission Guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit original research contributions in English
of up to 6 pages in IEEE camera ready format (templates are available at Only electronic submission in PDF
format will be accepted. Please visit the workshop web site for detailed
submission instructions.

Authors of accepted papers will be encouraged to submit a full paper of
up to 8 pages for final publication. All papers accepted by the workshop
will appear in the formal Proceedings of the Conference Workshops
published by IEEE CS Press.

Program Committee:

Ashraf Aboulnaga, Workshop Co-chair (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Kenneth Salem, Workshop Co-chair (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Anastassia Ailamaki (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Shivnath Babu (Duke University, USA)
Nicolas Bruno (Microsoft Research, USA)
Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft Research, USA)
Benoit Dageville (Oracle, USA)
Sam Lightstone (IBM Toronto Software Lab, Canada)
Guy Lohman (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA)
Stefan Manegold (CWI, Netherlands)
Pat Martin (Queen?s University, Canada)
Glenn Paulley (Sybase iAnywhere, Canada)
Neoklis Polyzotis (University of California - Santa Cruz, USA)
Kai-Uwe Sattler (Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany)

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