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ADI 2008 : 1st International Workshop On Ambient Data Integration


When Nov 9, 2008 - Nov 14, 2008
Where Monterrey, Mexico
Abstract Registration Due Jun 15, 2008
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2008
Notification Due Aug 15, 2008
Categories    databases

Call For Papers

1st International Workshop On

Ambient Data Integration
(ADI '08)

Monterrey, Mexico, Nov 9 - 14, 2008


Nowadays, data integration has gained more attention and is one of the most crucial tasks in complex applications. It is a legacy from independent, uncoordinated threads of system development on one side. On the other side it is a direct result of the tendency to integrate formerly separated data sources since the value of integrated analysis has been recognized.

One of the challenging issues of data integration is to maintain consistent mappings between source and target data schemata. Especially ? and this might become the normal case ? this issue is gaining complexity when these schemata are evolving and are geographically distributed over computerized systems. In such complex settings, data integration solutions may exploit background knowledge to match elements of the sources to the target. A kind of background knowledge that is getting more and more important in emerging data integration solutions is the notion of ontology. Often, the notion of knowledge bases is tightly coupled with ontologies since the latter are regarded as the conceptual backbone of the former. Especially since the advent and the dissemination of ontology description languages like RDF(S) and OWL ontologies are most relevant for data integration.

Conceptual modeling becomes more and more important for data integration but surprisingly this relationship has not been studied in-depth by the research community. However it is needed to build target schemata, e.g. databases and ontologies. A special case of this approach is to build up local ontologies ? for applications to be integrated ? and to derive from them integrated, shared ontologies. Without the proper and clean application of conceptual modeling techniques neither local nor shared ontologies gain adequate quality and expressiveness. In this workshop we want to focus on aspects which are dominant for the success of data integration systems like distribution and conceptualization.

This OTM workshop should bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of data integration to exchange ideas of how to benefit from each other's techniques experiences. We want to include conceptual, technical and application-oriented solutions in the workshop program.


* Application of conceptual modeling techniques for data integration;
* Distributed and Peer to Peer data integration systems;
* Ambient intelligence and data integration;
* Cooperative data integration systems;
* Data spaces and data integration;
* Ontology-supported data integration systems;
* Data integration under uncertainty;
* Innovative underlying formalisms for data integration;

Applications, evaluations and implementations in the following domains are of major interest:

* Health care;
* Life sciences;
* Biodiversity informatics;

However, presentations of generally applicable concepts from any application domain are also welcome.


Abstract Submission Deadline June 15, 2008
Paper Submission Deadline June 30, 2008
Acceptance Notification August 15, 2008
Camera Ready Due August 25, 2008
Registration Due August 25, 2008
OTM Conferences November 9 - 14, 2008


All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. All submissions must be in English. Submissions should be in PDF format and must not exceed 10 pages in the final camera-ready format. Detailed formatting instructions can be found at:

The final proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag as LNCS . Failure to commit to presentation at the conference automatically excludes a paper from the proceedings.

Papers submitted to ADI?08 must not have been accepted for publication elsewhere or be under review for another workshop or conference. Failure to comply with the formatting instructions for submitted papers will lead to the outright rejection of the paper without review.

The paper submission site is located at:


We plan to have an invited talk on the workshop's core topic. After that we aim at 2-3 sessions with about 8-10 paper presentations. The workshop will be concluded with a discussion forum which will be constituted by the presenters of the papers. This panel will preferably be organized as a so-called Advocatus Diaboli Forum in order to better stimulate discussion.

In order to establish a "common thread" throughout the workshop each presenter will be asked to additionally provide his/her individual view on the state of the art in data integration and especially on their experience of the application of conceptual modeling techniques in that domain. To share this experience is a very effective way to better shape a perspective on the state of the art in data integration.


* Stefan Jablonski
University of Bayreuth
Chair for Databases and Information Systems
Universitaetsstrasse 30, D-95447 Bayreuth, Germany

* Olivier Cur�
Universit� Paris Est
5 b d Descartes, 77454 Marne la Vall�e, France

* Christoph Bussler
Merced Systems, Inc.
Redwood Shores, CA, USA

Program Committee Members (to be extended)

* Christoph Bussler, Merced Systems, USA (Co-chair)
* Olivier Cur�, University of Paris East, France (Co-Chair)
* Mathieu D'aquin, Open University, England
* Wolfgang Deiters, ISST Fraunhofer, Germany
* Stefan Jablonski, University of Bayreuth, Germany (Co-Chair)
* Robert Jeansoulin, Universit� Paris Est, France / LSIS CNRS Marseille, France
* Roland Kaschek, Massey University, New Zealand
* Myriam Lamolle, Universit� de Paris 8, France
* Richard Lenz, University of Erlangen, Germany
* Sascha Mueller,Ansbach Universiy of Applied Sciences, Germany
* Erich Ortner, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
* Gerhard Rambold, University of Bayreuth, Germany
* Riccardo Rosati, Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Italy
* Kurt Sandkuhl, J�nk�ping University, Sweden

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