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BBH 2013 : The first International Workshop on BigData in Bioinformatics and Health Care Informatics


When Oct 6, 2013 - Oct 9, 2013
Where Santa Clara, CA, USA
Submission Deadline Jul 26, 2013
Categories    bioinformatics   health care   big data

Call For Papers

The first International Workshop on BigData in Bioinformatics and Health Care Informatics (BBH’13) offers a premier forum of presenting big data concepts, infrastructure, and analytics tools for integrating data from heterogeneous multimedia sources and expediting research in a wide range of areas including computer science, computational science, biological, biomedical, pharmaceutical, nursing, clinical care, dentistry, and public health. We welcome submissions covering any aspects of big data in Bioinformatics and Health Informatics. Below we list a few examples.

Bioinformatics and Biomedical Informatics

Next generation sequencing data storage and analysis
Large scale biological network construction and learning
Population based bioinformatics
Genome structural change detection
Large-scale bio-image and medical-image analysis
Big data in molecular simulation and protein structure prediction
Big data in systems biology
Big data in drug discovery, development, and post-market surveillance
Big data in semantics and bio-text mining

Healthcare System

Security and Privacy for clinical data in big data infrastructures
Health IT implementations and demonstrations
Case Studies for Hadoop based healthcare analytics
Benchmarking of big data infrastructure in healthcare
Real time aspects of healthcare data infrastructure
Novel data analysis algorithms that enable easy, rapid knowledge discovery from complex EMR
Analytics for Visualizing and summarizing large patient data in EMR
Novel algorithms and applications dealing with noisy, incomplete but large amounts of EMR data
Integrating genomic data for improving human health
Data science and modeling for health analytics
Advances in new storage models for data variety (records, images, MRI, scans) for hospitals
Big data challenges in Accountable Care settings
Extracting meaning from multi-structured big data in realtime to improve outcome
Combining information from Imaging (RIS, PACS), EHR, Labs, Genomics to give coherent diagnosis and treatment
Leveraging social networks for data aggregation
Smart visualizations for big data streams
Big data and analytics from home monitoring devices
Big data design patterns and anti-patterns

Health Data Analysis

How to co-register patient data acquired over several time-points in their life?
What are the important metadata that need to be tracked over the longitudinal duration?
What software platforms need to be developed for enabling easy access to the patient's medical and clinical history?
How to handle gaps in history-taking?
What is the current state-of-the-art in clinical decision support utilizing personalized longitudinal medical data and what is missing?

Related Resources

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