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IPTComm 2013 : Principles, Systems and Applications of IP TelecommunicationsConference Series : Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications | |||||||||||
Link: http://iptcomm.org/ | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
A decade ago, IP telecommunications research was concerned with IP-based protocols like H.323, SIP, and RTP and their interoperation and integration with traditional voice-based telephony. Today, voice constitutes just one of a growing suite of real-time data streams exchanged between people and their devices. The new research challenges include supporting services utilizing real-time sensor data and device actuation, traditionally the domain of machine-to-machine communications (M2M), with real-time video and audio (traditionally the domain of IP telecommunications), all shared and coordinated by multiple mobile users.
IPTComm is a research conference, now in its sixth year, devoted to IP telecommunications. Since the conference was conceived, the technological landscape has evolved quickly. For example, new web-enabled technologies like WebRTC, cloud-based real-time media processing, and the integration of real-time communications with traditional M2M systems, have not only broadened the scope of IP telecommunications research, but have also resulted in a diversity of research problems that, in many cases, are closely related. The goal of IPTComm is to bring together researchers working in the many sub-domains that today constitute IP telecommunications in order to share problems and results and, ultimately, provide a solid foundation to support the future progress of IP telecommunications. In further support of this goal, this year IPTComm will be co-located with the IIT RTC Conference at IIT's Chicago campus, bringing researchers, standards developers and industrial players together. In addition to IPTComm's research paper track, the IIT RTC Conference includes tracks devoted to standards, technology, governmental policy, and business. The IPTComm conference scope includes voice and video over IP, Machine-to-Machine (M2M), Internet of Things (IoT), enabling protocols like SIP and WebRTC, mobility, scaling, security, cloud, applications, emerging standards, system analysis, reliability, and architectures. We invite paper submissions addressing theoretical and experimental achievements, innovative systems, prototyping efforts, case studies, and advancements in technology. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. IMPORTANT DATES EXTENDED Paper submission deadline: July 1, 2013. Notification of acceptance: August 1, 2013. Final camera-ready submission: September 1, 2013. Conference Dates: October 15-17, 2013. |