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ASWEC 2013 : 22nd Australasian Software Engineering Conference


Conference Series : Australian Software Engineering Conference
When Jun 4, 2013 - Jun 7, 2013
Where Melbourne, Australia
Submission Deadline Dec 14, 2012
Categories    software engineering

Call For Papers

Call for Research Papers, Experience Reports, Workshop, Tutorials and Doctoral Symposium

22nd Australasian Software Engineering Conference - ASWEC 2013

Melbourne, Australia

4-7 June 2013

Established in 1986, ASWEC is a leading technical forum for the exchange of peer-reviewed research outcomes and industry best-practice in software engineering. It attracts a wide range of participants including software engineering researchers, practitioners and educators for across Australia, its regional neighbours, and from other international locations. The overall programme will provide numerous opportunities for academic and industry participants to interact with and learn from each other.

ASWEC 2013 will be held at Swinburne University of Technology's Hawthorn Campus, in its first ever five star green academic building. Melbourne provides a fitting setting for this notable conference, being awarded UNESCO?s ?city of literature?. Delegates will be spoilt for choice with its endless culinary offerings, sporting events, exciting night life, beautiful beaches and plenty full parks. It has something for everyone and every taste. The conference venue, Swinburne University of Technology's Hawthorn Campus, is in one of the city's most attractive suburbs. It is set amongst the many cafes, boutiques and shops of Glenferrie Road, and just 10 minutes on the train from the centre of Melbourne.

Research Papers

Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original research in all areas of software engineering. Papers describing theoretical or empirical research, new techniques and tools, and in-depth case studies are all welcome. Submissions should be original and must not have been published previously or currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Research paper submissions will be peer reviewed based on originality, significance, clarity and relevance to the field of software engineering. As in previous years, the ASWEC proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. One author from each accepted paper is required to register as a full-fee delegate and present the paper at the conference.

All submissions must be written in English and must be prepared in the IEEE 8.5x11 inch two-column format ( Manuscripts may not exceed 10 pages in length. Manuscript preparation in Latex is strongly encouraged. Manuscripts are to be submitted electronically using the EasyChair Conference System (

Submissions due: 14 Dec 2012
Notification of Acceptance: 11 Feb 2013
Camera Ready Copies due: 4 Mar 2013 (tentative)

Experience Reports

The objective of experience reports is to discuss lessons learned from applying Software Engineering practices in the ?real world ?. Practitioner experiences provide valuable input into future research directions and allow others to learn from successes and failures. Experience reports are an important means to share lessons learned between practitioners and to help industry improve work practices.

We invite submissions that discuss lessons learned and share experiences about the benefits and limitations of Software Engineering approaches. Experience reports should be based on actual practice, and should cover all sides of the story - strengths and weaknesses, successes and challenges. We solicit experience reports on any and all topics relevant to Software Engineering practitioners. One author from each accepted experience report is required to register as a delegate and present the report at the conference. All submissions must follow the guidelines that will be available on the conference website.

Submissions due: 1 Mar 2013
Notification of Acceptance: 25 Mar 201
Camera Ready Copies due: 15 Apr 2013 (tentative)

Tutorials and Workshops

Tutorial and Workshop proposals that have appeal to the Software Engineering community are sought for ASWEC 2013. Tutorials and workshops (half and/or full day) will run on the first day of the conference. Please submit your proposals detailing the topic, background, intended audience, presenter/s and their affiliations along with anticipated time requirements following the guidelines that will be available on the conference website. Tutorial presenters will be given conference registration at a reduced cost.

Proposals due: 14 Dec 2012
Notification of Acceptance: 21 Jan 2013
Confirmation of Program: 15 Apr 2013 (tentative)

Doctoral Symposium

The Doctoral symposium is a great opportunity for Ph.D. students to have their work - even in its early stages - presented to an international audience. Students at the initial stage will be able to have their ideas and current research directions challenged, while students at a more mature stage will be able to present their contributions and get feedback for improvement and guidance for better exposition. Furthermore, the symposium aims at facilitating the networking of PhD students within the scientific community by interacting with established researchers and their peers at a similar career stage.

To obtain maximum benefit from this symposium, students should consider participating after they have settled on a research topic, with a defined problem statement and some ideas about the solution that they want to discuss. More advanced students will have to present their research plan, research method and preliminary results. To apply for participation at the doctoral symposium, students should submit a short paper, which should not exceed 2 pages for early stage students and 4 pages for more mature stage students according to the guidelines that will be available on the conference website.

Submissions due: 1 Mar 2013
Notification of Acceptance: 25 Mar 2013
Camera Ready Copies due: 15 Apr 2013 (tentative)

Topics of Interest

The Australasian Software Engineering Conference is dedicated to all aspects of software engineering. We welcome contributions that address topics of interest including, but not limited to:

* Agile Methods in Practice
* Application-Specific Software for Logistics, Finance, Health Care, Manufacturing, Defence, etc.
* Computer Supported Cooperative Software Engineering
* Configuration Management
* Domain-specific Models and Languages
* Empirical Research in Software Engineering
* Formal Methods
* Knowledge-Based Software Engineering
* Large-Scale Distributed Software Engineering
* Legacy Systems and Software Maintenance
* Measurement, Metrics, Experimentation
* Modularisation techniques, including component-based software engineering and aspect-oriented programming
* Programming techniques, such as object-oriented, functional and hybrid programming
* Open Source Software Development
* Quality Assurance
* Real-Time and Embedded Software
* Requirements Engineering
* Software Analysis and Visualisation
* Software Architecture
* Software Design and Patterns
* Software Documentation
* Software Engineering Education
* Software Engineering of Multi-Agent Systems
* Software Engineering of Web Services
* Software Inspection Approaches
* Software Modelling Approaches
* Software Performance Engineering
* Software Processes and Quality
* Software Project Management
* Software Re-use and Product Development
* Software Reverse Engineering
* Software Risk Management
* Software Security, Safety and Reliability
* Software Verification and Validation
* Standards and Legal Issues
* Usability
* Web Application Development
* Web Based Collaborative Environment

Organising Committee

General Chairperson and Co-Chairperson
Jean-Guy Schneider, Swinburne University of Technology
Doug Grant, Swinburne University of Technology

Program Chairperson and Co-Chairperson
Jens Dietrich, Massey University
James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington

Industry Chairperson and Co-Chairperson
Steven Versteeg, CA Labs
Rajesh Vasa, Swinburne University of Technology

Doctoral Symposium Chairperson and Co-Chairperson
Paul Strooper, The University of Queensland
Aleida Aleti, Monash University

Tutorial/Workshop Chairperson and Co-Chairperson
Edmonds Lau, Swinburne University of Technology
Cameron Hine, Swinburne University of Technology

Sponsorship Chairperson
Ed Kazmiercak, The University of Melbourne

Poster and Demo Chairperson and Co-Chairperson
To be announced

John Grundy, Swinburne University of Technology

Louise D'Amico, Swinburne University of Technology

ACS Representative
Doug Grant, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Engineering Australia Representative
Leon Sterling, Swinburne University of Technology

Phil Joyce, Swinburne University of Technology
Dan Sheperd, Swinburne University of Technology

Local Arrangements Chairperson
To be announced

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