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SHPCloud/SC 2012 : International Workshop on Sustainable HPC Cloud | |||||||||||
Link: http://sites.google.com/a/temple.edu/shpcloud-2012/home | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
International Workshop on Sustainable HPC Cloud (SHPCloud/SC12) to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, 11/10-16/2012
http://sites.google.com/a/temple.edu/shpcloud-2012/home Sponsored by IEEE Supercomputing Conference 2012 (http://sc12.supercomputing.org/) INTRODUCTION HPC Cloud computing offers better resource utilization and more software flexibility to researchers. There are also challenges. These include virtual machine administration complexities and less performance compared to traditional HPC clusters. As a budding community, we are always looking for credible experiences in using HPC cloud for different types of applications. The SHPCloud workshop is dedicated to disseminate research reports and experiences in HPC Cloud applications, architecture and smart ways to mitigate sticky issues. For Supercomputing 2012, we are excited to have a chance to trade our struggles with researchers around world. Suggested Topics (but not limited to):? * Investigative reports on delivered performance for computation intensive applications with or without failure and recovery * Investigative results on delivered cloud performances for computation intensive applications * Experiences in non-main stream HPC paradigms * Experiences in using auction-based cloud resources * Experiences in virtualized GPU for HPC applications * Experiences in virtualized network for HPC applications * Innovative failure prevention and recovery methods * HPC security considerations using cloud resources * Communication infrastructure virtualization experiences * Private cloud implementation experiences * Innovative cloud auction pricing models * Resource usage prediction models Important Dates: * Paper submission deadline: 9/15/2012. 5pm EST. * Notification of acceptance: 10/15/2012, 2012 10am EST. * Final Manuscript Due: 10/25/2012 5pm EST. * Registration Due: 10/17/2012 * Conference Date: 11/10-16/2012 Submission Instructions: Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent related developments. Papers must be submitted in PDF format (readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 and higher). Submissions are limited to 10 pages in the IEEE conference proceedings format. The 10-page limit includes figures, tables, and appendices, but does not include references, for which there is no page limit. Margins and font sizes should not be modified. Templates can be found at: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html Workshop URL: http://sites.google.com/a/temple.edu/shpcloud-2012/home Organizing Committee: Workshop co-Chairs: Justin Y. Shi | shi@temple.edu | Temple University |USA Pavan Balaji | balaji@mcs.anl.gov | Argonne National Laboratory | USA Technical Programs: * Dave Ward, Amazon Web Services, USA * Dave Yuen, University of Minnosota, USA * Abdallah Khreishah, Temple University,USA * Chiu Tan, Temple University, USA * Moussa Taifi, Temple University, USA * Bedrich Benes, Purdue University, USA * Yu Chen, State University of New York - Binghamton, USA * Thomas Hacker, Purdue University, USA * Issa Khalil, United Arab Emirates University, UAE * Ming Li, Utah State University, USA * Shuchen Yu, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA Contact: Justin Y. Shi | shi@temple.edu |