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ROSE 2012 : IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments


When Nov 16, 2012 - Nov 18, 2012
Where Magdeburg, Germany
Submission Deadline Jun 22, 2012
Notification Due Aug 31, 2012
Final Version Due Sep 28, 2012
Categories    robotics   sensors

Call For Papers

The 10th edition of the IEEE International Symposium on RObotic and Sensors Environments will take place at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany, on 16-18 November 2012.

The focus of the ROSE conference series is on sensing systems and technologies for robotics and industrial automation, as well as their impact on autonomous robotics and intelligent systems development and applications.

Magdeburg is the capital city of the federal state Saxony-Anhalt in Germany. It is strategically located along the Elbe River and has witnessed more than 1200 years of a very rich history, with Emperor Otto I who lived in Magdeburg for most of his reign. The city is the site of two universities as well as a strong industrial hub. Magdeburg is easily accessible by car or train, and well connected to three major airports in Germany (Leipzig, Berlin, and Hannover). The Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg is one of the youngest universities in Germany and counts about 13 000 students in nine faculties.

Papers are solicited on all aspects of Sensing Systems and Technologies for Robotics and Industrial Automation, Human-Robot Cooperation, Multimodal Sensing, and Perception Technologies. These include but are not limited to:

* sensor controlled systems
* collaborative manufacturing
* inspection and quality control
* human and robot interaction
* cognitive robotics
* tele-operation
* robot manipulation
* mobile robots
* rescue robots
* swarm robotics
* robot sensors and vision
* intelligent sensing
* machine vision and image processing
* 3D sensing and modeling
* sensor fusion
* new sensor technologies
* distributed sensing for security

Paper Submission: Submit your full-length paper (6 pages maximum) electronically as a PDF-format file using the web submission form.

All published papers will appear in ROSE 2012 Proceedings and will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed in EI Compendex.

Authors of accepted papers who will have registered and presented their paper at the symposium will be eligible to submit a significantly extended version of their manuscript to be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. The papers must be technically extended beyond the scope of the symposium and must be inside the scope of the Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

Important Dates:

* June 22, 2012: Paper submission deadline
* August 31, 2012: Notification of acceptance/rejection
* September 28, 2012: Submission of final camera-ready paper
* September 28, 2012: Registration

Manuscript submission implies willingness for at least one author to register for the symposium, pay the registration fee and attend the symposium to present the paper. Papers will be included in the proceedings only if at least one author has registered and paid the full registration fee by 28 September 2012. If an author covers more than one paper with her/his registration, to guarantee inclusion in the proceedings, she/he must have paid a US$50 surcharge for the additional paper (no exceptions).

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