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ASHG 2012 : 62nd Annual Meeting of American Society of Human Genetics


When Nov 6, 2012 - Nov 10, 2012
Where San Francisco, CA, USA
Submission Deadline Jun 4, 2012
Categories    genetics

Call For Papers

Abstract Submission

There is no fee to submit an abstract. All abstracts must be submitted by Monday, June 4, 2012 at 8:00 pm (US east coast time). All submitting authors will be asked to confirm the following statements: (1) I have read, understand, and agree to the rules and guidelines; (2) I am submitting this abstract with the intent of attending the ASHG 62nd Annual Meeting and presenting; and (3) I confirm that each co-author has been informed of this abstract submission and has agreed to all information as it was submitted. note: Authors who submit abstracts are not automatically registered for the meeting. In order to participate in the meeting and make your presentation, authors must register for the meeting, and cover the costs of hotel and travel.

Abstract Confirmation/Receipt

After you submit your abstract, you will receive an immediate on-screen confirmation of receipt. You will not receive a separate confirmation e-mail. Please print this information and keep it for your records. You will need this information when returning to the submission site. If you do not receive an on-screen confirmation of receipt, then your abstract was not successfully submitted and it will not be reviewed or programmed by the 2012 Program Committee.

Abstract Revisions

Deadline: Wednesday, June 6, 2012, (5:00 pm East Coast Time)

To make any changes to an abstract (including author changes), return to the abstract submission site and select “revise my abstract.” You will need your abstract control number, personal ID number, and the last name of the first author listed on the abstract. You are not permitted to change the first author’s name at the revision site (see instructions below). note: Revisions will not be permitted on June 1 through June 4 (when the submission site is extremely busy).

Abstract First Author Name Change

If it is critical that you change the name of the first author, you must first withdraw the abstract and then submit a new abstract with the new name. First authors cannot be changed under the revisions link.

Abstract Withdrawals

Deadline: Wednesday, June 6, 2012, (5:00 pm East Coast Time)

To withdraw an abstract, return to the submission site and select “withdraw my abstract.” You will need your abstract control number, personal ID number, and first author’s last name. Withdrawal requests must be made by June 6, 2012, 5:00 pm EST. All accepted abstracts will be published in the ASHG 2012 Meeting Program and cannot be withdrawn from publication after June 6 (even at the request of the author and/or principal investigator). Abstracts not withdrawn by June 6 will be reviewed and programmed by members of the 2012 Program Committee.

Abstract Acceptance and Programming

The majority of all submitted abstracts will be placed in poster sessions. A small percentage of slots have been reserved for platform (oral) presentations. Authors should be prepared to present a poster if their abstract is not selected for a platform presentation. Notice of abstract acceptance will be available in August 2012. Selection of abstracts and programming is at the discretion of the 2012 Program Committee members.

Once a presentation has been scheduled, a first author who is unable to make the presentation in person is asked to notify the ASHG office immediately via e-mail ( so that a notation can be included in the program addendum.

Abstract Publication

Abstracts selected for presentation will be available on the 2012 meeting Web site in late August and are published online. At this time, your abstract and all information will become a matter of public record and may be referenced by ASHG, media relations staff, and others. Please review the abstract licensing agreement/copyright policy under the abstract rules and guidelines for more information. The 2012 meeting Web site will include a searchable Program and an individualized meeting itinerary planner after the abstracts have been posted online. Abstract search and printing stations will also be available on-site in the registration area at the ASHG 2012 Meeting.

Abstract Licensing Agreement

In consideration of acceptance of the abstract by The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), the submitting author grants ASHG a nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide license to copy, reproduce and publish the abstract in ASHG's online or print publication of ASHG abstracts and/or other compilations or collective works to be assembled and owned by ASHG (together, "Collective Works") in any form or medium now existing or hereafter created throughout the world. The submitting author understands and agrees that ASHG shall own all rights, including copyright, in and to the Collective Works including the right to:

Distribute, reproduce, license, display, perform, lend, lease, or transfer rights to the Collective Works to third parties,

Prepare derivative works of the Collective Works, and

Register the Collective Works in ASHGs own name with the U.S. Copyright Office.

It is understood that the submitting author and/or third parties with copyrights shall retain copyright in and to the abstract contributed by the submitting author to a Collective Work. The submitting author affirms that he/she is the author and owner of the abstract and holds all copyrights in and to the abstract, or has secured any third party permissions necessary to grant ASHG the above rights. The submitting author is responsible for providing any related third party with a copy of this grant of rights.

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