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UKSim 2012 : UKSim 14th International Conference on: Mathematical / Analytical Modelling and Computer Simulation


Conference Series : International Conference on Modelling and Simulation
When Mar 28, 2012 - Mar 30, 2012
Where Cambridge, England, UK
Submission Deadline Feb 25, 2012
Categories    simulation   modelling

Call For Papers

Papers are invited on any aspect of modelling and simulation to be presented at UKSim2012, University of Cambridge (Emmanuel College). The accommodation, renowned catering and conference facilities are an ideal blend of modern and historic. The venue offers an especially attractive opportunity for both professional discussion and socialising.

Full Paper (six pages with figures) are invited on any aspect of modelling, simulation and their applications.


- Intelligent Systems

- Hybrid Intelligent Systems

- Soft Computing and Hybrid Soft Computing

- Computational Intelligence

- Systems Intelligence

- Intelligence Systems

- Control of Intelligent Systems

- Control Intelligence

- e-Science and e-Systems

- Robotics, Cybernetics, Engineering, Manufacturing and Control

- Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research

- Bio-informatics and Bio-Medical Simulation

- Discrete Event and Real Time Systems

- Image, Speech and Signal Processing

- Computer Generated Art (images to be exhibited at the conference and included in the proceedings CD)

- Industry, Business and Management

- Human Factors and Social Issues

- Energy, Power Generation and Distribution

- Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation

- Supply Chain Management

- Virtual Reality, Visualization and Computer Games

- Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Systems

- Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies

- Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking

- Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems

- Circuits, Sensors and Devices

Suggested topics (other topics are also welcome): Simulation methodology and practice, languages, tools and techniques. Models and modelling tools. Data/object bases. Analytical and statistical tools. Simulators and simulation hardware, training simulators. Integration of simulation with concurrent engineering, integrated design and simulation systems. AI, intelligent systems, agent-based simulation, decision support systems, philosophical issues, analogies, metaphors, knowledge modelling, acquisition and synthesis of new knowledge/models, intelligent/adaptive behaviour, man/machine interaction, control systems. Parallel and distributed simulation, discrete event systems. Artificial neural networks, computational intelligence.

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