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RELABIRA 2012 : Symposium on Broadband Networks and Fast Internet


When May 28, 2012 - May 29, 2012
Where Hadath, Lebanon
Submission Deadline Mar 9, 2012
Notification Due Apr 9, 2012
Final Version Due May 9, 2012
Categories    networks   internet

Call For Papers

This symposium discusses the technical, economic, judicial and social impacts on deploying a broadband network and the migration towards new Internet-oriented technologies as well as mobile and fixed access networks. All key actors, governments, industry and academia are becoming more aware of the increasing applications usage while surfing websites, which needs a rich bandwidth connection and a high service quality.

« Broadband Networks and Fast Internet » is an international symposium organized by the Faculty of Engineering at the Antonine University in Baabda-Lebanon that covers all subjects related to broadband networks ; technical and nontechnical aspects (economic, judicial, social aspects…)

Enlarging the spectrum of discussed subjects related to the main theme gave this symposium its identity.

The main idea is to treat all technical aspects related to the subject of the symposium in addition to one non technical session that introduces, each time, a new controversial subject. In its first edition that took place on January 14 and 15, 2010 the subject of the legislative side of Cyber security was raised. In the 2ndedition of March 17 and 18, 2011, it was « Networks neutrality ».

In this 3rd edition that will be held on May 28 and 29, 2012, the non technical theme is “Sustainable development and logical recycling”.

The Antonine University has the pleasure to launch the call for scientific papers mainly based on the following themes (non-exhaustive list):

1. Broadband fixed networks infrastructure :

Optical networks and switching technologies (OCS, OBS, OPS, …)
Submarine networks
Optical access networks (PON, EPON, GPON, XGPON …)
Multi-level routing protocol(GMPLS)
Protection and restoration
Technical constraints awareness

2. Broadband wireless networks infrastructure :

Broadband mobile networks engineering
New generation mobile networks (NGN): 3G, 4G, HSPA, LTE, WiMAX …
Software Radio and Software Defined Radio
Modulation and multiplexing technologies in mobile networks
Ad hoc networks (MANET) for Multimedia applications

3. Applications, services and security:

Multimedia applications and services
Systems and networks security
Grid computing
Semantic Web
Optimization algorithms

4. Broadband networks non technical aspects :

Telecommunications networks impact on the climate warming problem
Broadband networks regulation and legislation
Right of access to information
Social impacts of networks and networks applications

5. Broadband networks economic models

The symposium will be held at the main campus of the Antonine University at Baabda – Lebanon.

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