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CSE 2008 : 9th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering


When Jun 25, 2008 - Jun 27, 2008
Where Sao Paulo , Brazil
Submission Deadline Jan 11, 2008
Categories    computer

Call For Papers

The Computational Science and Engineering area has earned prominence through advances in electronic and integrated technologies beginning in the 1940s. Current times are very exciting and the years to come will witness a proliferation in the use of advanced systems.

The scientific and engineering application domains have a key role in shaping future research and development activities in academia and industry, especially when the solution of large and complex problems must cope with tight timing schedules.

This Conference is to bring together computer scientists, applied mathematicians, engineers in different disciplines and researchers to present, discuss and exchange ideas, results and experiences in the area of advanced computing for problems in science and engineering applications and inter-disciplinary applications.

Among the main topics of interest (but not limited to) are:

- Intelligent, Bioinspired and Autonomic Computing
- Distributed and Parallel Computing
- Distributed Database and Data Mining
- Grid, P2P, Web Services and Internet Computing
- Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications
- HPC Applications
- Scientific and Engineering Computing
- Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
- Advanced Networking and Applications
- Security, Privacy and Trust
- Education in Computational Scientific and Engineering
- applications to the following areas, but not limited to:

- computational fluid dynamics and mechanics
- material sciences
- space, weather, climate systems and global changes
- computational environment and energy systems
- computational ocean and earth sciences
- combustion system simulation
- computational chemistry
- computational physics
- bioinformatics and computational biology
- medical applications
- transportation systems simulations
- combinatorial and global optimization problems
- structural engineering
- computational electro-magnetic
- computer graphics and multimedia
- semiconductor technology, and electronic circuits and system design
- dynamic systems
- computational finance
- data mining
- signal and image processing, etc

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