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WSES 2008 : 3rd International Workshop on Workflow Systems in e-Science


When May 19, 2008 - May 19, 2008
Where Lyon, France
Submission Deadline Nov 12, 2007
Categories    databases   systems

Call For Papers

Aims and scope

Grid environments enable collaborations involving large numbers of people and large scale resources, and promote the emergence of a new paradigm for scientific research: e-Science. Different layers of middleware, e.g., for managing Grid resources, computing tasks, data, and information, form the basic framework for realising an e-Science environment. By automating the management of experiment routines, a scientific workflow management system hides the underlying integration details of the e-Science resources and allows a scientist to focus on the high level domain specific aspects of the experiments. The support for scientific workflows is being recognised as a crucial feature for introducing an e-Science environment to application scientists from different domains.

The WSES workshop focuses on practical aspects of scientific workflow management systems: design, implementation, applications in all fields of computational science, interoperability among workflows and the e-Science infrastructure, e.g., knowledge framework, for workflow management. The workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers and developers in the field of e-Science to exchange the latest experience and research ideas on scientific workflow management and e-Science. Live demos of workflow systems and workflow application are welcome.

The WSES 07 and WSES 06 were successfully held in the context of ICCS in Beijing in May 29 2007 and in Reading University in May 29 2006. In both years, the workshop attracted around 30 submissions. Each paper was reviewed by at least three referees, and 17 papers, including 9 regular ones and 8 short ones, were accepted. The presentations were organized as three sessions: scientific workflows applications, system architecture and middleware, and development issues. A special session for WSES 07 will appear in the International Journal of Future Generations of Computer Systems (FGCS). Selected papers of WSES 06 have appeared in a special issue of Scientific Programming Journal.

Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts that demonstrate current research in all areas of scientific workflow management in e-Science. The workshop solicits novel papers on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

* Workflow infrastructure and e-Science middleware
* Workflow API and graphical user interface
* Workflow modelling techniques
* Workflow specification language
* Workflow execution engine
* Dynamic workflow control
* Workflow verification and validation
* Workflow system performance analysis
* Support tools for managing workflows
* AI techniques in workflow management, e.g., planning, runtime control and user support;
* Security control in managing workflow
* Real-world applications of scientific workflow
* Different levels of interoperability among workflow systems;
* Automatic composition of scientific workflow;
* Knowledge infrastructure in workflow management;

Paper submission and publication

The papers are limited to 6 pages each and they must follow the IEEE 8.5"x11" two-column format guidelines described at Workshop papers will be included in CCGrid proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society. The papers will also be available electronically in the IEEE digital library. The procedure for paper submission will be available here soon. Selected best papers, after extension, will be published in a suitable international journal as a special issue.
Important Dates

* November 12, 2007 Full paper due
* January 3, 2008 Notification
* January 30, 2008 Camera-ready paper due

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