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CGGM 2008 : VII International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling


When Jun 23, 2008 - Jun 25, 2008
Where Krakow, Poland
Submission Deadline Dec 22, 2007
Notification Due Mar 1, 2008
Categories    computer graphics

Call For Papers

The Workshop offers prospective authors to submit full papers electronically. In case you have doubts about the relevance and/or appropriateness of your paper for this workshop, please send an e-mail to:

Your paper must be submitted (exclusively) by using the ICCS'2008 upload engine available at:

Note that the engine has been designed for all ICCS workshops, including the general track. So, you are kindly requested to indicate to which workshop you wish to submit your paper. In this case, just select: "Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, CGGM'2008". You will be given a URL for your paper by e-mail, so that you can upload it at your best convenience. Please, be careful when filling the information fields about yourself, including your e-mail. Otherwise, it might happen that the reply e-mail containing such a URL never reach your e-mail account.

All submissions must be written in English. Acceptable formats are pdf and postscript (use extension .pdf or .ps, respectively). Please, check that you have included all the fonts required when generating the .pdf files, so that your paper can be read properly on any platform. Exceptionally, we can accept papers written in Microsoft Word. However, keep in mind that the final version of your paper should be, in general, written in LaTeX (either LaTeX 2.09 or 2e) according to the rules of of LNCS (for formatting information see Information for LNCS Authors).

In addition to submitting your paper through the submission engine, you can send (by e-mail to Andres Iglesias) a list of two or three possible referees for your paper, explaining why do you propose them. Please note that there is not guarantee that your paper will be reviewed by some of the proposed reviewers. This list is intended to assure that the review process is performed at due time. Therefore, it will be used only if we are unable to find other reviewers for your paper.

After receiving your submission, the paper will be reviewed taking into account:

significance of results,
technical accuracy, and

and acceptance/rejection will be based on this review. If a paper is rejected you will be contacted and given the referee reports. It may well be that your paper is more suited to be submitted to another workshop or conference.

Decision on acceptance will be performed in two steps: based on the referee reports, an unofficial (conditional) acceptance from the workshop programme committee will be proposed. This acceptance must be subsequently confirmed by the ICCS'2008 organizers and then notified to the authors.

The accepted full papers will be published by Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series and will be available for the delegates in printed/electronic form. In addition, they will be scheduled for oral presentation. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.

Important dates
December 22, 2007: Draft papers due
March 1, 2008: Notification of Acceptance
March 15, 2008: Camera Ready Papers
March 1, 2008: Early registration opens
March 30, 2008: Early registration closes
June 23-25, 2008: ICCS 2008 Conference in Krakow

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