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SETMDM 2008 : Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management


When Mar 29, 2008 - Mar 29, 2008
Where Nantes, France
Submission Deadline Dec 14, 2007
Categories    software engineering   databases

Call For Papers

Tailor-made data management software (DMS) is not only important in the field of embedded systems. DMS that incorporates only required functionality bears the potential to strip down the code base and to improve reliability and maintainability.

In the past 20 years several new technologies have emerged that aim at lean, efficient, and well-structured software. Especially, work on software product lines, components, patterns, features, and aspects is promising in this respect. These techniques should also be applicable to DMS.

This workshop addresses the development, application, and assessment of these new technologies in the context of DMS. We invite contributions to the below listed and related topics.

Contributions regarding the following topics are invited:

* Tailoring and customization of DMS
o Embedded, mobile, and realtime systems
o Novel hardware
o Special-purpose applications: Ubiquitous Computing, Organic Computing, etc.
* Separation of concerns in DMS
o DMS synthesis, optimization, and composition
o Component-, kernel-, and transformation-systems
o Advanced programming paradigms: aspects, features, patterns, slices, components
* DMS / DBMS Architecture
o Software product lines, model-driven development
* Portability, adaptability, evolvability


We invite submissions of 2 to 6 pages long in ACM proceedings format. The papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee and the organization committee. The authors will be notified about acceptance before the early registration deadline. Papers can be submitted in electronic form (PDF) without page numbering via the Cyberchair of the workshop.

Workshop Format

The workshop is scheduled as a full day workshop. Accepted papers will be published in EDBT workshop proceedings in ACM digital library.

Important Dates
December 14, 2007 Deadline for paper submissions
January 31, 2008 Notification of acceptance
March 15, 2008 Camera ready papers due
March 29, 2008 Workshop

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