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QD 2008 : 5th International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dots


When May 11, 2008 - May 16, 2008
Where Gyeongju, South Korea
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2007
Categories    semiconductor   nanotechnology

Call For Papers

The 5th International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dots, QD2008 is a biennial meeting to exchange recent research results between researchers in this field. This meeting aims to provide the atmosphere for close and efficient discussions between scientists from different research branches, including physics, chemistry, materials science, electrical engineering and bio engineering. For this purpose, we plan to have a single technical session and more opportunity to discuss. We hope you come to this meeting, exchange most recent interesting results, and contribute to the fast advancement of this field by combining the expertise developed in each field. Authors are invited to electronically submit one-page (text + figure) camera-ready abstracts in PDF format by December 15, 2007. Details will be given in the conference home page.

Scope and Topics of QD2008
- Fabrication and characterization of semiconductor quantum dots and nano-crystals, including nano-rods
- Optical properties of quantum dots, nano-crystals and related nano-structures
- Magnetic quantum dots and spin properties of quantum dots
- Transport properties of quantum dots
- Theory of electronic, optical and many-body effects in quantum dots
- Device applications such as lasers, memories, photo-detectors and amplifiers
- Photonic crystal devices containing quantum dots
- Molecular quantum dots and hybrid quantum dot-polymer/ferromagnet/ superconductor structures
- Applications of quantum dot devices, including nano-bio-sensors, quantum information processing

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