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FUZZ 2008 : IEEE 16th International Fuzzy Systems Conference


When Jun 1, 2008 - Jun 6, 2008
Where Hong Kong, China
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2008
Categories    artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to invite you to participate in the 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008) to be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre during June 1-6, 2008. WCCI 2008 will be the fifth milestone in this series with a glorious history from WCCI 1994 in Orlando, WCCI 1998 in Anchorage, WCCI 2002 in Honolulu, to WCCI 2006 in Vancouver. Sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, co-sponsored by the International Neural Network Society, Evolutionary Programming Society and the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and composed of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) and IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), WCCI 2008 will be the largest technical event on computational intelligence in the world with the biggest impact. WCCI 2008 will provide a stimulating forum for thousands of scientists, engineers, educators and students from all over the world to disseminate their new research findings and exchange information on emerging areas of research in the fields. WCCI 2008 will also create a pleasant environment for the participants to meet old friends and make new friends who share similar research interests. Please be assured that WCCI 2008 will be very memorable in your lifetime.

You are welcome to contact me if you have any comments or suggestions to make WCCI 2008 more exciting. Meanwhile, I and other organizers will work hard to ensure the success of WCCI 2008.

I look forward to meeting you all at WCCI 2008!

Jun Wang
WCCI 2008 General Chair

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