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AIPR 2008 : International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition


Conference Series : Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition
When Jul 7, 2008 - Jul 10, 2008
Where Orlado, FL, USA
Submission Deadline Feb 4, 2008
Categories    artificial intelligence   pattern recognition   machine learning   computer vision

Call For Papers

Draft paper submission due: February 4 2008
Note: People who needs to apply for an early VISA to attend the conference or having any other time related requirements may submit the paper early. We will try to get it reviewed within a month from the date we receive the draft paper.

Acceptance/rejection decision: March 3 2008

Camera ready paper submission and pre-registration: April 4 2008

Conference: July 7-10 2008

A detailed schedule of the conference will be announced later on.



All areas of AI and PR and all related areas. Sample topics include but WILL NOT be limited to:

* Applications of AI
* Artificial neural networks
* Automated problem solving
* Bayesian-based methodologies
* Bio-informatics
* Biometrics
* Brain modeling
* Case-based reasoning
* Cognitive science
* Collaborative filtering
* Computational biology
* Computational intelligence
* Computer vision
* Constraint processing
* Data mining
* Decision support systems
* Distributed AI
* Evolutionary algorithms
* Expert systems
* Fractals
* Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
* Game playing
* Genetic algorithms
* Hardware aspects of AI
* Heuristics
* Image processing
* Information retrieval
* Intelligent agents
* Intelligent databases
* Intelligent information fusion
* Intelligent information systems
* Intelligent networks
* Intelligent software engineering
* Intelligent tutoring systems
* Intelligent user interfaces
* Intelligent business
* Knowledge acquisition
* Knowledge discovery
* Knowledge management
* Languages for AI
* Learning and adaptive sensor fusion
* Machine learning
* Machine translation
* Medical imaging
* Natural language processing
* Neural networks and applications
* Pattern recognition
* Probabilistic reasoning
* Remote sensing
* Robotics
* Rough sets
* Search techniques
* Self-adaptation techniques
* Semantic indexing
* Signal processing
* Social impact of AI
* Soft computing
* Software aspects of AI
* Speech processing
* Statistical methods for AI
* Steganography and digital watermarking
* Swarm intelligence
* Symbolic data analysis
* Temporal abstractions
* Text mining
* Text processing
* Uncertainty
* Wavelets
* Web intelligence


* Draft paper submission due: February 4 2008
* Acceptance/rejection decision: March 3 2008
* Camera ready paper submission and pre-registration: April 4 2008

Related Resources

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