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MMS 2008 : Military Modeling and Simulation Symposium


When Apr 14, 2008 - Apr 17, 2008
Where Ottawa, Canada
Abstract Registration Due Oct 25, 2007
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2007
Notification Due Dec 13, 2007
Categories    simulation   modeling

Call For Papers

Paper Sessions

Technical Articles present significant results in research, practice, or education, and will be selected based on originality of the work and contribution to the field or body of knowledge of military modeling and simulation.

Experience Reports present timely information on the application of modeling and simulation in the military domain, and will be selected based on the interest of the experience presented to the military modeling and simulation community.

Topical Sessions

Workshops provide a session for military modeling and simulation professionals to explore issues, challenges, new developments, and other areas of interest.

Panel sessions allow a group of experts to address a particular topic and exchange views between themselves and the audience.

Tutorials allow experts in particular areas of military modeling and simulation to share their expertise with their colleagues.
Key Dates

Abstracts due 25 Oct 2007 Authors who would like to know if a particular topic would be of interest to the symposium can submit an extended (1-2 page) abstract directly to both chairs by this deadline. An abstract will not be considered a submission, just a means for providing initial feedback.

Full Paper Submission due 15 Nov 2007 Technical articles and experience reports, properly formatted in accordance with these guidelines, must be anonymized (author and institution information removed) as part of the blind peer-review process. Submission will be handled online by the SCS Conference Proceedings Management System, which will associate the author info with the paper, but hide it from the reviewers.

Topical Session proposals due 15 Nov 2007
bullet Topical session proposals should be e-mailed directly to both chairs by this deadline.
Workshop proposals should state the issue to be addressed, identify the coordinator(s), and provide a description of who (in general terms) might be interested in the workshop.
bullet Panel proposals should identify the topic, the panel chair, and actual or potential panelists.
bullet Tutorial proposals should identify the topic, the name and qualifications of the instructor, an outline of the material, and the expected level of experience of the participants.

Notification 13 Dec 2007 The program committee will review the papers and determine which ones will be accepted. Notification for topical session proposals will also be made by this date.

Final Paper due 10 Jan 2008 The final version of accepted papers, incorporating changes based on reviewer comments, are due by this date.

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