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SAHNS 2011 : The Third International Workshop on Specialized Ad Hoc Networks and Systems


Conference Series : Specialized Ad Hoc Networks and Systems
When Jun 23, 2011 - Jun 23, 2011
Where Minneapolis, MN, USA
Submission Deadline Feb 11, 2011
Notification Due Mar 11, 2011
Categories    networking

Call For Papers

1. Scope

The Workshop provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present their latest research findings in specialized ad-hoc networks and systems.

As an alternative to one-size-fits-all general solutions in the area of ad hoc networking and systems, we want to stimulate the application-oriented divide-and-conquer approach to ad hoc network and system research. The goal is to provide sound and efficient specialized ad hoc networks and systems (SAHNS), suitable for building solutions specific for well-defined classes of applications or even individual applications.
We want to consider both specialized ad hoc networks and specialized ad hoc systems. The latter can be built on top of specialized ad hoc networks. Alternatively, they can be constructed independently of specialized ad hoc networks, e.g., on top of general-purpose ad hoc networks.

It should be emphasized that SAHNS is interested only in solutions specific to specialized ad hoc networks and systems. The Workshop is not interested in broad general-purpose solutions for all ad hoc networks and systems, or in generic solutions for extremely broad subclasses of ad hoc networks and systems. For example, the Workshop is not interested in general-purpose solutions for all sensornets or all P2P systems but is instead interested in specialized solutions for their application-oriented subclasses.

One example of SAHNS targeted by this workshop are Incident Area Networks (IANs), dedicated to single incidents or events. An IAN can be pre-deployed for a planned event, such as a sporting or "nationally significant" event, or can be dynamically deployed for an unplanned incident, such as a local law enforcement situation or a natural disaster. Another example are opportunistic resource utilization networks (e.g., oppnets), in which the network reacts to a lack of resources by finding and incorporating "helpers" that have needed resources or services.

Areas and topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

a) Design issues for SAHNS:
· Novel network and system architectures
· Economically-based models and solutions (incl. incentive-based techniques)
· Operating systems and middleware
· Customized network protocols (incl. cross-layer and Layer 2.5 protocols)
· Resource management solutions (incl. discovery and integration of resources)
· Algorithms and models for localization and mobility management
· Privacy, security, and trust
· Reliability and dependability
· Novel hardware platforms

b) Development issues for SAHNS:
· Development methodologies, models and tools
· Analytical and validation models
· Performance evaluation and modeling (incl. simulation tools)

c) Operation and management issues for SAHNS:
· Topology control and management
· Energy control and management
· Resource and service discovery and control
· QoS provisioning and management
· Data management, data aggregation, data dissemination, and query processing
· Assuring survivability and reliability
· Controls for privacy, security, and trust management

d) Application issues for SAHNS:
· Best current and future applications for SAHNS (incl. applications in emergency preparation and response; public safety, healthcare; telecommunications; industrial, office, building, and home automation)
· Experience with SAHNS deployments and products
· Social and business impacts of SAHNS-based applications

2. Paper Submission

Papers must be submitted in the PDF format, with numbered pages. They should have no more than 6 pages following the IEEE Computer Society proceedings format (8.5 by 11 inch sheets, double-column, 10 point or larger font, single-spaced).

The following information must be provided on the first page:
· Paper title
· Full names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors
· An abstract (up to 150 words)
· Five to ten keywords/phrases
· A footnote with the indication of the corresponding author, plus the complete address, phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author

Papers should be submitted via email to:
Each received submission will be confirmed, usually within two workdays.

3. Paper Review and Publishing

Each paper will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers and their comments will be provided to the authors.

If accepted, the paper will be published in the workshop proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press, provided that at least one of its authors registers for ICDCS (which includes SAHNS) by the early registration deadline.

Information on indexing publications for the events of the IEEE Computer Society is available at:

We plan a special issue of an international journal with extended versions of the selected SAHNS papers.

Related Resources

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ISCSIC 2025   2025 9th International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control(ISCSIC 2025)
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IJNGN 2024   International Journal of Next - Generation Networks
ICSNC 2025   The Twentieth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
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