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ISSIE 2011 : The First International Symposium on System Informatics and Engineering


When Jul 11, 2011 - Jul 13, 2011
Where Qingdao, China
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2011
Notification Due Apr 15, 2011
Final Version Due May 1, 2011
Categories    system informatics   system engineering

Call For Papers

Due to significant advancement in computer hardware/software technology and automated data collection systems, there are tremendous opportunities for interdisciplinary research in combining quantitative modeling (e.g., statistics, data mining, machine learning, simulation, and operation research) with technology-driven engineering and domain knowledge to make significant scientific, social, and economic impacts. How to model, extract, and make use the hidden knowledge based on the domain knowledge and the vast data sources to improve overall system performance, maintainability, and adaptability, poses many research and practical challenges, defying the state of the art methodological frameworks, algorithms, and systems design and implementation principles. The purpose of the International Symposium series on System Informatics and Engineering (ISSIE) is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the theory and applications of system-driven knowledge discovery and design/operations improvement in a wide range of domains and discipline. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

o System informatics principles and methods

o Informatics-driven system engineering methods and applications

o Data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence

o Quality and reliability informatics and engineering

o System and network security

o Prognostics and system health management

o Bioinformatics, health and medical Informatics

o Industrial informatics and control

o Forecasting techniques and applications

o Data-driven business intelligence and customer relation management

Submission file formats are PDF and Microsoft Word. Required Word/LaTeX templates (IEEE two-column format) can be found at the conference Web site. Long (6,000 words, 6 pages max.) and short (3000 words, 3 pages max.) papers in English must be submitted electronically via the conference Web site. The accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Press in a formal EI-indexed Proceeding. Authors who wish to present a talk/poster/demo without a full paper may submit a 1-page extended abstract, which, if selected, will appear in the Proceedings.

Paper Submission: February 28, 2011
Paper Acceptance Notification: April 15, 2011
Camera-Ready Paper: May 1, 2011

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