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GECCO 2009 : Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference


Conference Series : Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
When Jul 8, 2009 - Jul 12, 2009
Where Montréal, Canada
Submission Deadline Jan 14, 2009
Notification Due Mar 11, 2009
Categories    genetic computation   evolutionary computation

Call For Papers

2009 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2009)
July 8-12, 2009 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Montréal, Canada

Organized by ACM SIGEVO

18th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA) and the 14th Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP)

One Conference - Many Mini-Conferences - 15 Program Tracks


The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2009) will present the latest high-quality results in the growing field of genetic and evolutionary computation.

Topics include: genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, real-world applications, learning classifier systems and other genetics-based machine learning, evolvable hardware, artificial life, adaptive behavior, ant colony optimization, swarm intelligence, biological applications, evolutionary robotics, coevolution, artificial immune systems, and more.

General Chair: Franz Rothlauf
Editor-in-Chief: Günther Raidl
Business Committee: Wolfgang Banzhaf, Erik Goodman, Una-May O'Reilly
Publicity Chair: Martin Pelikan
Workshops Chair: Anna I. Esparcia
Competitions Chairs: Pier Luca Lanzi
Tutorials Chair: Martin V. Butz
Late Breaking Papers Chair: TBA
Local Chair: Christian Gagné
EC in Practice Chairs: David Davis, Jörn Mehnen
Graduate Student Workshop Chair: Steve Gustafson
Undergraduate Student Workshop Chair: Frank Moore, Clare Bates Congdon, Larry Merkle

Paper Submission Deadline: January 14, 2009
Decision Notification: March 11, 2009
Camera-ready Submission: April 22, 2009

Delta Centre-Ville hotel is located in the heart of downtown, where Old Montreal and new Montreal blend seamlessly, and adjacent to vibrant nightlife, boutique shops and eclectic cuisine. For more information on Delta Centre-Ville, please visit

Visiting GECCO-2009 will be a great opportunity to visit the famous Montreal Jazz Festival (July 2-12, 2009):

Visit for information about electronic submission procedures, formatting details, student travel grants, the latest list of tutorials and workshop, late-breaking papers, and more.

For technical matters, contact Conference Chair Franz Rothlauf at
For conference administration matters contact Primary Support Staff at

GECCO is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ACM SIGEVO).

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