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DEAL II 2008 : Interface Theories


When Feb 22, 2008 - Feb 23, 2008
Where Leiden, Netherlands
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2007
Categories    linguistics   OT   MP

Call For Papers

The workshop is organized by the Leiden University Center for Linguistics (LUCL) in the Netherlands, and the University of Bielefeld in Germany.

The workshop will be held in February 2008, 22-23, at the University of Leiden. The workshop consists of 14 talks of fifty minutes each (including a 10 minutes discussion). Four of these talks will be given by the following keynote speakers:

1. Cedric Boeckx (University of Harvard)
2. Jairo Nunes (Universidade de São Paulo)
3. Vieri Samek-Lodovici (University College London); still to be confirmed
4. Ellen Woolford (University of Massachusetts)

Abstracts are solicited for the remaining 10 slots. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed anonymously. Please keep to the following instructions concerning your abstract:

* Submission is only possible in electronic form, preferably in pdf-format but we also accept .rtf, .doc, or plain text files.
* Send one copy that includes your name and affiliation, and one anonymous copy.
* Abstracts may not exceed two pages of text with an at least one-inch margin on all four sides.
* Abstracts must employ a font not smaller than 12 point.
* Each page may include a maximum of 50 lines of text.
* Abstracts may include an extra page for references (not examples).
* Abstract should be sent to
* Abstract should be received by November 15, 2007.
* Notices of acceptance will be sent out before December 1, 2007.

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