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ACC 2008 : American Control Conference


When Jul 11, 2008 - Jul 13, 2008
Where Seattle, WA, USA
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2007
Categories    signal processing   control

Call For Papers

The 2008 American Control Conference (ACC) will be held Wednesday through Friday, June 11-13, 2008 at the Westin Seattle Hotel, Seattle, Washington.

The ACC is the annual conference of the American Automatic Control Council, the U.S. national member organization of the International Federation for Automatic Control. National and international society cosponsors of ACC include AIAA, AIChE, AIST, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, ISA, and SCS. The 2008 ACC technical program will cover new developments related to theory, application, and education in control science and engineering. In addition to regular technical sessions the program will also feature interactive and tutorial sessions and preconference workshops.

Seattle, the "Emerald City," is home to the Space Needle and Starbucks Coffee. It offers a variety of activities and attractions including tours of the Pacific Northwest, the new Experience Music Project and Museum of Flight, cruises in Puget Sound and beyond, award-winning restaurants, and an acclaimed nightlife and music scene.

Organizing Committee
General Chair
Anuradha Annaswamy, MIT
Program Chair
Tariq Samad, Honeywell
Vice Chair: Special and Interactive Sessions
Atul Kelkar, Iowa State University
Vice Chair: Invited Sessions
Jing Sun, University of Michigan
Vice Chair: Industry & Applications
Anna Stefanopoulou, University of Michigan
Vice Chair: Student Affairs
Dawn Tilbury, University of Michigan
Exhibits Chair
Wendy Foslien, Honeywell
Finance Chair
Rajesh Rajamani, University of Minnesota
Local Arrangements Chair
Kristi Morgansen, University of Washington
Publications Chair
Naira Hovakimvan, Virginia Polytechnic Inst.
Publicity Chair
May-Win Thein, University of New Hampshire
Registration Chair
Carolyn Beck, University of Illinois
Workshops Chair
Karlene Hoo, Texas Tech. University

Website open for submissions now
Deadline for all submissions: Sept. 15, 2007
Notification of acceptance/rejection: Jan. 31, 2008
Final Manuscript submission due: Mar. 15, 2008

Submissions for the 2008 ACC program are invited. Contributors are encouraged to consult the conference website and contact appropriate organizing committee members for more information. In addition to the standard podium format, the technical program will also include interactive sessions featuring posters and hardware and software demonstrations. All submissions will be subjected to the same review standards. The program committee reserves the right to assign accepted papers to either session category.

Contributed papers can be submitted in regular or short paper categories. Regular papers are intended to be complete descriptions of finished work. Short papers are intended to present novel ideas or preliminary results.

Invited session proposals should present topics from multiple viewpoints with unifying themes. Each proposal should consist of a summary statement and six regular papers.

Education/Tutorial session proposals should address state-of-the-art control theory and industrial applications. Tutorials are encouraged to have panel discussions.

Preconference workshop proposals addressing topics of current interest to the controls community are invited.

We also invite exhibit proposals related to control theory, practice, and education. The ACC exhibit area typically features booths by book publishers, local and national organizations, and suppliers of software and hardware systems.

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