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BMI 2010 : 5th Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation - User Modelling


When Sep 21, 2010 - Sep 21, 2010
Where Karlsruhe, Germany
Submission Deadline Jul 5, 2010
Notification Due Jul 16, 2010
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2010
Categories    artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

5th Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation - User Modelling,
(BMI KI'10)

Co-located with the German Conference on AI 2010, Karlsruhe,
September 21th

General BMI session
Monitoring what happens in the environment, what people do and how they interact with their surroundings is of interest in several areas, such as in ambient intelligence, health care applications, or mobile services. This workshop focuses on methods analyzing and interpreting the behaviour of individuals, or of small groups of people. This is for the purpose of intention recognition, triggering of smart home environment services, life routine logging, or generally for the investigation of how humans deal with specific problems in their everyday life.

While technological advances in sensing and processing have ushered in an unprecedented opportunity for realizing behaviour monitoring applications, much effort remains needed for the development of methods to integrate and exploit the available data for addressing specific applications. In addition to the general BMI topic, part of this year's workshop features a thematic focus section on "User Behaviour Modeling". Techniques and approaches to modeling user behaviours will be presented and discussed. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a paper on the general BMI topic or contribute a more specific paper on "User Behaviour Modeling".
Key Areas
Focus Topic on Behaviour Modeling
smart home services
adaptive services
assisted living
cognitive assistance
child behaviour monitoring
interactive systems and adaptive user interfaces
mobile devices for user profiling
shopper behaviour
abnormal user event detection

knowledge representation and reasoning
pattern recognition
spatial reasoning
temporal reasoning
video and image analysis and interpretation

Further topcis
dynamic scene analysis
motion analysis
sensor equipments
pervasive technologies
monitoring of diverse environments

After the success of BMI'07, BMI'08, BMI'09 "well-being" and BMI'09 "moving objects", this one-day workshop is intended as a forum for discussion, exchange of points of views, assessment of results and methods, and as a source of dissemination and promotion of the newest advances in the area of behaviour monitoring and interpretation. The program will include a number of presentations by the invitees representing several different aspects concerning the role of monitoring and interpreting behaviours of people and groups of people, followed by discussions. Authors of accepted papers will be encouraged to submit an extended version of their manuscripts for a book edition following the workshop.

Members of the Program Committee
Members of Scientific Program Committee
• Timothy D. Adlam, University of Bath, UK
• Stephen Balakirsky, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
• Christoph Claramunt, Naval Academy Research Institute, France
• Matt Duckham, University of Melbourne, Australia
• Christian Freksa, University of Bremen, Germany
• Sylvain Giroux, Univ. of Sherbrooke, Canada
• Hans W. Guesgen, Massey University, New Zealand
• Thomas Kirste, University of Rostock, Germany
• Karin Klabunde, Philips Research, The Netherlands
• Antonio Krüger, DFKI, Saarland University, Germany
• Joyca Lacroix, Philips Research, The Netherlands
• Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, University of Genova, Italy
• Paul McCullagh, University of Ulster at Jordanstown, UK
• Christoph Schlieder, University of Bamberg, Germany
• Sabine Timpf, University of Augsburg, Germany
• Ubbo Visser, University of Miami, USA
• Howard D. Wactlar, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Workshop Co-Chairs
Björn Gottfried
Centre for Computing Technologies (TZI)
Universität Bremen, Germany
bg AT

Hamid Aghajan
Department of Electrical Engineering
Stanford University, USA
aghajan AT

All submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed by the international technical program committee. Full papers will be published in an edited volume after a post-workshop revision. Short papers can be extended after the workshop to full papers; if accepted after a regular review process, they will also be included in the post-workshop volume.

Important Dates
July 5, 2010 Submission of regular papers
July 10, 2010 Submission of short papers
July 16, 2010 Notification of authors
July 31, 2010 Final Versions of papers
Sept 21, 2010 Workshop

Submission Details
Papers should be formatted according to the guidelines available at the workshop's webpage ( The length of each paper should not exceed 15 pages. All papers must be written in English and submitted in PDF format to: Bjoern Gottfried:


June 16th, 2010

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