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RiQGioS 2011 : Looking under the thin mantle of 'qualitative analysis'. Consolidated application contexts and new fields of application. Qualitative research and young researchers.


When Sep 1, 2011 - Sep 3, 2011
Where Kore, University of Enna - Sicily
Submission Deadline Feb 10, 2011
Notification Due Feb 19, 2011
Final Version Due May 10, 2011
Categories    ethnography   life story   CAQDAS   qualitative analysis

Call For Papers

Call for paper for international conference on qualitative methods and young researchers.
Today, the qualitative approach is increasingly used, and the debate on quality and quantity - which for decades has inspired the scientific community - seems to tone down.
The conference is open to young scholars whether they are graduate students, postdocs, research fellows, young researchers.
The papers presented will be evaluated by double blind review.
The papers will be published as conference proceedings.
We invite young scholars to submit their proposals on the following topics:
- Life story
- Qualitative interviews
- Ethnography (Auto and Virtual Ethnography)
- From the words to the textual datum: techniques of analysis
- Software for qualitative analysis
- Reflections on the use of qualitative research in various scientific areas
We will evaluate the proposals received for their relevance with the topic of the conference.
The language of the conference will be Italian and English. For scholars that come from other nationalities should be noted that the article must be delivered in one of these languages, also applies to the slides or materials used for the presentation of the work. The student will, however, choose to attend the oral presentation in its native language.
Please send abstracts (not more than 200 words) and a brief presentation of the author at this address by 25 Genuary 2011.

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