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Intercloud 2016 : Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Computing Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability (Intercloud 2016)


When Apr 4, 2016 - Apr 8, 2016
Where Berlin
Submission Deadline Dec 29, 2015
Notification Due Jan 17, 2016
Final Version Due Jan 29, 2016
Categories    cloud computing   intercloud   federation   big data

Call For Papers

Fifth IEEE International Workshop on
Cloud Computing Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability (Intercloud 2016)

In conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E)
April 4 - 8, 2016, Berlin, Germany

Paper submission deadline - 29 December 2015 - EXTENDED

Paper submission website -


The workshop is a follow-up of the successful workshop in 2013-2015 (held in conjunction with the IC2E conference), where a number of enthusiasts of cloud computing ideas and presented results of research projects dealing with clouds and cloud based services infrastructure deployment.

Advances in processing, communication and systems/middleware technologies have led us to new paradigms and platforms for computing – in the form of Cloud Computing. That in its own turn creates a basis for the Big Data and Data intensive technologies. Cloud Computing from Cloud Service Providers is a burgeoning market with a wide variety to choose from, including some of the most notable names in Internet and IT today. Cloud Computing is the go-to platform now for datacenter architecture, scalable application hosting, new application development, and mobile app platform. While cloud Computing enjoys a certain amount of application – or application architecture – portability, there are not really any interoperability standards or common practices in place. Security, SLA, and other concerns are still active areas of interest. Also, while Cloud Computing is different from Grid Computing, there is some Federation and Interoperability in the Grid community, are these appropriate to the Cloud Computing space. It is widely believed that the whole space of Clouds, Grids, and the Intercloud will federate and eventually converge. There are lessons to be learned from the early Internet work as well as Mobile Telephony. Some believe that SDN is the key to making this happen. This workshop focuses on techniques, experiences and lessons learned for interoperable services in Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability. This workshop aims at providing a forum to bring together researchers for sharing and exchanging Cloud computing related research, technologies, experience, and lessons for building Clouds with Intercloud, Multicloud, Federation, and Interoperability capabilities and services.

The Workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

* Theory, frameworks, methodologies, architecture for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
* Cloud Federation and Interoperability Protocols
* Trust, Security, Identity for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
* Virtual Private Cloud, VPN/IPsec, MPLS techniques for multi-clouds and inter-clouds
* Grid Federation and Interoperability Protocols, Lessons Learned, As Applied to Clouds
* Experimental Results of Distributed/Multiple Datacenter Cloud Coordination and Interoperability
* Theory and experimental results of SDN used for cloud oriented network infrastructure, federations, and interoperability
* Semantic Web Services Definitions for Clouds Resources and Management
* Mobile Roaming applications for for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
* Cloud and Grid Federation governance and regulatory issues
* Traffic and load balancing across Federated and Interoperable Clouds
* QoS/SLA in Federated and Interoperable Clouds
* Converged Implementations of Clouds and Grids
* Multilayer (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) services operation in Intercloud environment
* Interoperable cloud based infrastructures for Big Data applications
* Intercloud control and management infrastructure for automated services deployment, management and monitoring
* Management operations, discovery, configuration, provisioning
* Geo-balancing in multi-cloud and intercloud infrastructures
* Compliance, Reference Definitions and Semantics, for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability
* Testbeds for Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability

The workshop will consist of a number of sessions, where recent results of on-going and just-finished research projects will be demonstrated. The workshop will present also some future research considerations on the future of cloud computing and networking and expose views from different perspectives: research projects and industry.

The workshop will be followed by a panel discussion, to allow free exchange of thoughts and ideas between the workshop speakers and audience.


Workshop will be technically sponsored by the EU projects CYCLONE and GEANT4

Call for papers:

Papers describing original research on both theoretical and practical aspects of dynamic network services for cloud computing are solicited.

Important Dates:

Paper Submissions: December 29, 2015
Notification: January 17, 2016
Camera-ready: January 29, 2016
InterCloud2016 workshop (during IC2E2016 Conference): 8-10 April 2016

Paper submission instructions

This workshop will only accept for review original papers that have not been previously published. Papers should be formatted based on the IEEE Transactions journals and conferences style; maximum allowed camera-ready paper length is six (6) pages. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format, including text, figures and references.

Accepted papers will be published in the IC2E2016 proceedings.

Paper submission website –

Review procedure

All submitted paper will be reviewed by international program committee.

Workshop Organizers

The workshop is organized by the partners of the CYCLONE, GEANT4, the EC-funded H2020 projects.

Yuri Demchenko, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
David Bernstein, Founder/Chief Architect, Cloud Strategy Partners, LLC
Chunming Rong, University of Stavanger

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