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AMPLE 2011 : 1st Workshop on Agent-based Modeling for Policy Engineering


When May 2, 2011 - May 2, 2011
Where Taipei, Taiwan
Submission Deadline Feb 7, 2011
Notification Due Feb 27, 2011
Final Version Due Mar 13, 2011
Categories    agents   policy   simulation   NORMS

Call For Papers

update Jan 24: ***** DEADLINE EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 7, 2011 *****


Socio-technical systems are complex adaptive entities that require the engagement of social and technical elements in an environment to reach certain goals. In order to understand, analyze or design such systems, advanced tools are required. One of the major tools for understanding socio-technical systems is agent-based modeling. In recent years, social scientists, including economists and policy makers, have been using agent-based models to tackle their problem domains. Building artificial societies by combining the multi-agent systems view and domain knowledge has become a challenge, because of the complexity involved.

Workshop Goals

The goal of AMPLE is to connect agent and artificial society research on the one hand, with policy making, institutional analysis and tools like system dynamics and gaming on the other. The combination could have benefits for the further enrichment of agent–based modeling and simulation. By gathering these different perspectives, we aim to explore how agent-research can be used or improved to assist with policy making in the social sciences.

Topics of particular interest for AMPLE include, but are not limited to:

* Policy making: (tools and methods for) analysis, simulation, evaluation
* Agent societies: design and simulation
* Formal methods for specifying policies in coordination and organizational structures;
* Models for verification, validation and visualization of simulations for policy making
* Integration of normative and social aspects: formal aspects and practical issues
* Agent-based models for decision making:
o Social networks: influence in decision making; representation; models for simulation
o Culture and social norms: influence in decision making; representation; models for simulation
o Design for values in policy making
* Comparison between System Dynamics and Agent-based modeling
* Gaming: role in policy analysis; relation to simulation

Instruction For Authors

Because the post-proceedings of AMPLE will be published in Springer LNCS, in the joint AAMAS Workshop Proceedings, the preliminary proceedings will follow the corresponding format. The author instructions for both Word and LaTeX are available at the Springer website. The length of each paper including figures and references may not exceed 15 pages in this format. All papers must be written in English and submitted in PDF format. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the workshop to present the work.

For submission of papers, please use: easychair

Please note that the workshop notes including all accepted papers will be distributed to AAMAS 2010 registrants in electronic form only, i.e. there will be no distribution of printed notes at the workshop.

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