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Hackathon on Romani Chords 2025 : Hackathon on Romani Chords | 13–14/02/2025 in Prague


When Feb 13, 2025 - Feb 14, 2025
Where Prague
Submission Deadline Jan 20, 2025
Notification Due Jan 25, 2025
Final Version Due Jan 25, 2025
Categories    music   anthropology   computing   social computing

Call For Papers

Are you interested in ethnomusicology, musicology, music science, music theory, computational musicology (or any possible combination of these?)? Then join us for a Hackathon on Romani Chords and help to shape the future of ethnomusicological data collection!

What’s the project about?
RomChords is an interdisciplinary research project exploring unique styles of harmonic accompaniment known as “Romani chords.” By combining methods of anthropology and digital (ethno)musicology, RomChords aims to capture and analyse remarkable chord progressions common among Roma in Slovakia.

What’s in it for you?
By joining this hackathon, you’ll get a hands-on opportunity to help with designing data acquisition workflow for this project. In short, you’ll help build up a portable musicological laboratory and advance the emerging field of digital ethnomusicology! Together, we’ll focus on the following key questions:
What is the best current method for extracting sonic data from accordion and guitar?
How can we automate finger-tracking of musicians’ fingers?
How can we integrate sonic and finger movement data into a single workflow for qualitative analysis?
When- and whereabouts
13–14/02/2025 in Prague (Puškinovo náměstí 9).
Note: If you have to travel to Prague, you will need your own funding—we cannot cover the expenses.

Register for the Hackathon by 20/01/2025 =)
More information about the project =)

We look forward to seeing you in Prague!

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