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MDSM 2011 : First International Workshop on Model-Driven Software Migration


When Mar 1, 2011 - Mar 1, 2011
Where Oldenburg, Germany
Abstract Registration Due Dec 17, 2010
Submission Deadline Jan 5, 2011
Notification Due Jan 21, 2010
Final Version Due Feb 4, 2011
Categories    software engineering

Call For Papers

Model-driven Software Development (MDSD) and Software Migration are two
different approaches that had been under research separately. In recent
years, researchers found interesting analogies between both fields.

While model-driven approaches aim at transforming assets between
different levels of abstraction, software migration aims at converting
legacy systems into new technologies without changing functionality.
Here, software migration can benefit from model-driven approaches by
using the techniques to abstract, transform and concretize legacy
systems again.

However, both fields of research are not yet entirely understood.
Neither is the combination of both fields examined very well. The MDSM
workshop will bring together latest research in the field of
model-driven software migration approaches.

The MDSM workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners in
the area of model-driven approaches supporting software migration to
present and discuss state-of-the-art techniques as well as real-world
experiences to stimulate further model-driven migration research

The scope of the MDSM workshop includes, but is not restricted to, the
following topics:
* Modeling languages, query languages and transformation languages
* Domain Specific Languages for software migration
* Model-integration in repositories
* Model-driven architecture reconstruction or migration
* Model-driven code migration
* Software migration by transforming legacy code
* Model-driven software renovation
* Tools and methods for model-driven migration
* Design patterns for model-driven software migration
* Experience reports

The MDSM workshop will be held during the CSMR 2011
( main conference on March, 1st
2011. The workshop sessions will consist of thematically grouped paper
presentations with plenty of time for discussions. The length of the
workshop (half day or full day) depends on the number of high-quality

In addition to full papers, position papers and discussion papers of
work-in-progress are welcome. Workshop papers will be published online
on CEUR ( with ISSN and will be distributed to the
conference participants via USB stick. All papers must be in English and
are to be submitted online in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format via the
CSMR-MDSM submission site
( They have to
adhere to the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format
( Full papers may
not exceed four pages. Exceeding submissions will be rejected without

Abstract submission: December 17th 2010
Paper submission: January 5th 2011
Notification of acceptance: January 21st 2011
Camera-ready paper submission: February 4th 2011
Workshop date: March 1st 2011

Workshop Chairs:
* Wilhelm Hasselbring, University of Kiel, Germany
* Andreas Fuhr, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
* Volker Riediger, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Program Committee:
* Andy Schürr, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
* Anthony Cleve, INRIA-Lille, France
* Filippo Ricca, DISI, University of Genoa, Italy
* Harry Sneed, Anecon GmbH, Austria
* Jaques Klein, University of Luxemburg
* Jürgen Ebert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
* Rainer Gimnich, IBM Frankfurt, Germany
* Rocco Oliveto, University of Salerno, Italy
* Romain Robbes, University of Chile
* and others

Andreas Fuhr (

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