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SWIB 2024 : 16th Semantic Web in Libraries Conference


When Nov 25, 2024 - Nov 27, 2024
Where online
Submission Deadline Jun 9, 2024
Categories    semantic web   artificial intelligence   linked open data   libraries

Call For Papers

SWIB conference (Semantic Web in Libraries) is an annual conference, being held for the 16th time. SWIB24 will happen online to ensure inclusion of as many participants as possible while minimizing the ecological footprint of the conference.

SWIB focuses on Linked Open Data (LOD) in libraries and related organizations. It is well established as an event where IT staff, developers, librarians, and researchers from all over the world meet and mingle and learn from each other. The topics of talks and workshops at SWIB revolve around opening data, linking data and creating tools and software for LOD production scenarios. These areas of focus are supplemented by presentations of research projects in applied sciences, industry applications, and LOD activities in other areas.

As usual, SWIB24 will be organized by ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics and the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz). The conference language is English.

We are accepting proposals for two formats:

Presentations (20 minutes plus 5 q&a)
Practical workshops or tutorials (maximum 4h, including breaks), introductory tutorials are very welcome

The presentations will be held in the time from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC. Note that we will support three different time slots for workshops to accommodate workshop facilitators and participants from different time zones (East Asia/Australia, Europe/Africa, Americas).

We appreciate proposals on the following or related topics:
Projects & Applications

integration of LOD into productive library applications
re-use of LOD (from libraries, Wikidata and other sources)
presenting & visualizing LOD
graphical user interfaces for interaction with LOD (e.g. editing or annotation)
(other) applications in the context of open science

Technology & Tools (focus on Open Source software)

data transformation/integration/cleansing/enhancement/mapping/interlinking/validation
data flow management, read/write linked data, providing updates & syncing data sources
machine learning applications in/for libraries
integration of symbolic and subsymbolic approaches

Standards & Best Practices

implementation of FAIR data principles, interoperability
open web standards relevant for libraries, data models, usable APIs
application profiles & provenance information
working with controlled vocabularies & knowledge organization systems
preservation, maintenance & sustainability


decentralization, federated structures
consolidating open source projects
collaboration, crowdsourcing, community building and empowerment
diversity sensitivity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals for presentations or workshops by 9 June 2024. Please submit an abstract of 1000–1500 characters using our conference system If you intend to present a specific software solution, please include links to the source code repository and make sure it is openly licensed.
SWIB programme committee

Proposals will be reviewed by the programme committee:

Julia Beck (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Uldis Bojars (National Library of Latvia)
Nuno Freire (Europeana Foundation, Netherlands)
Anna Kasprzik (ZBW, Germany – Chair)
Huda Khan (Stanford University, USA)
Niklas Lindström (National Library of Sweden)
Devika Madalli (Indian Statistical Institute)
Adrian Pohl (hbz, Germany – Chair)
Dorothea Salo (UW-Madison, USA)
Jodi Schneider (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
MJ Suhonos (Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada)
Osma Suominen (National Library of Finland)
Katherine Thornton (Yale University Library, USA)
Jakob Voß (GBV Common Library Network, Germany)

Hashtag: #swib24

Take a look at previous SWIB conferences at

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions:

Adrian Pohl
Tel. +49-(0)221-40075235
E-mail: swib(at)


Anna Kasprzik
Tel. +49-(0)40-42834425
E-mail: a.kasprzik(at)

Related Resources

ISWC 2025   24th International Semantic Web Conference
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AMLDS 2025   IEEE--2025 International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science
KEOD 2025   17th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-CNIOT 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2025) -EI Compendex
IJWesT 2025   International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology
Ei/Scopus-IPCML 2025   2025 International Conference on Image Processing, Communications and Machine Learning (IPCML 2025)
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IJESA 2025   International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications