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WCCI 2014 : Special Session: Advances to Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control


When Jul 6, 2014 - Jul 11, 2014
Where Beijing, China
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    computational intelligence   type-2 fuzzy logic systems   type-2 fuzzy sets   type-2 fuzzy logic controllers

Call For Papers

The aim of this special session is to provide a forum for exchanging recent research results in type-2 fuzzy logic control.

Type-2 fuzzy logic control is a paradigm which takes the fundamental concepts in control from type-1 fuzzy logic and expands upon them in order to deal with the high levels of uncertainty present in a vast number of real world control problems. A wide variety of traditional areas in control (that have also been addressed through type-1 fuzzy logic control) have already been addressed with type-2 fuzzy logic, from the control in steel production plants to the control of marine diesel engines and robotic control. In many engineering applications, it has been shown that type-2 fuzzy logic can provide benefits over both traditional forms of control as well as type-1 fuzzy logic and it is the aim of this special session to attract a comprehensive selection of high quality current research in this area of type-2 fuzzy logic control, motivating further collaboration and providing a platform for the discussion on future directions of type-2 fuzzy logic control by researchers active in the field.

This special session will address advances in interval type-2 as well as general type-2 fuzzy logic control. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control
General Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control
TSK Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control
Mamdani Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control
PID-type Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers
Model-Based Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers
Adaptive / Self-Tuning Type-2 Fuzzy Controllers
Neuro-Fuzzy Type-2 Controllers

The deadline for submissions to this special session is 20 December 2013.

Information for Authors
Information on the format and templates for papers can be found here:
Papers should be submitted via the FUZZ 2014 paper submission site:
Select the Special Session name “Advances to Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control” in the Main Research topic dropdown list
Fill out the input fields, upload the PDF file of your paper and finalize your submission by the deadline of December 20, 2013
Dr. Tufan KUMBASAR, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey,
Prof. Engin YESİL, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey,
Prof.Hao YING, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA,

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