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RESNA/ICTA 2011 : RESNA/ICTA Conference - Advancing Rehabilitation Technologies for an Aging Society


When Jun 5, 2011 - Jun 8, 2011
Where Toronto, Canada
Submission Deadline Dec 1, 2010
Notification Due Feb 1, 2011
Categories    rehabilitation

Call For Papers

Welcome to the Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving, Disability, Aging and Technology - FICCDAT 2011

Call For Abstracts Now Open!

FICCDAT could be thought of (modestly) as the olympiad of all conferences relating to aging, disability, caregiving and technology.

This is the second FICCDAT and we intend to continue the tradition every four years.

FICCDAT is an amazing opportunity for you to transfer knowledge from your experience and your research to an extraordinarily broad audience. You can submit abstracts to all six major conferences, and you can attend and present at several conferences for the cost of attending a single conference.

What an efficient way to build your cv!

The abstract submission process is simple. Select the most appropriate conference for your presentation. Then click on the submit/edit abstract link and follow the directions. All of the conferences require you to submit a title (maximum 80 characters) and a brief summary of your presentation (maximum 400 characters including spaces). Some of the conferences require you to upload your full paper as a camera-ready pdf file using our template, whereas others only require you to type or copy and paste a text of up to 4,000 characters directly onto the form.

There is no reason to delay! You can revisit the site as often as you like to edit or add to your submissions right up to the deadline of 1st of December, 2010.

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