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ICNP 2011 : 19th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols


Conference Series : International Conference on Network Protocols
When Oct 17, 2011 - Oct 20, 2011
Where Vancouver, Canada
Abstract Registration Due Apr 15, 2011
Submission Deadline Apr 22, 2011
Notification Due Jul 28, 2011
Final Version Due Aug 26, 2011
Categories    networking

Call For Papers

ICNP, the IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, is the premier conference covering all aspects of network protocols, including design, analysis, specification, verification, implementation, and performance. ICNP 2011, the 19th ICNP, will be held in Vancouver, Canada, October 17-20, 2011. Papers with significant research contributions to the held of network protocols are solicited for submission. Papers cannot be previously published nor under review by another conference or journal. Papers containing plagiarized material will be subject to the IEEE plagiarism policy and will be rejected without review.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Protocol design, implementation, testing, and analysis
* Measurement of protocol performance
* Protocols for specific functions, such as routing, congestion control, security,
survivability, and network management
* Protocols for wireless, mobile, sensor, mesh networks, cognitive communication,
and white spaces.
* Protocols for cloud computing, peer-to-peer systems, emerging distributed systems,
and disruption tolerant networks.
Papers must deal specifically with protocols. Papers on general networking where protocols are only a secondary focus will be considered only if they are of exceptional quality. ICNP will select an accepted full paper for the best paper award.

ICNP 2011 will use a double-blind review process. The identity of authors and referees will not be revealed to each other. To ensure blind reviewing, author names and affiliations should not appear in the paper; bibliographic references should be made in such a way as to preserve author anonymity. Papers should adhere to the IEEE Computer Society format and should not exceed 10 pages. The font size should be no smaller than 10 pt. At lease one author of an accepted paper is expected to register for the conference and to present the paper at the conference, in order for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings and the IEEE digital library.

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