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Lit. Druid 2023 : Literary Druid


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2023
Notification Due Apr 30, 2023
Final Version Due Apr 30, 2023
Categories    british literature   linguistics   world literature

Call For Papers


Literary Druid is a journal that aims to foster research and creative writing in English. It welcomes all nationals to contribute for learning and research purposes. The perspective of Literary Druid is to create a niche platform for academics and scholars to share their intellect to enrich the English language and Literature. All are welcomed to learn and share.

Literary Druid is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal. It is published twice a year and covers all areas of English Studies such as History of English Language and Culture, ELT, Linguistics, Criticism, Literature, Creative writing in English Language, Literature and Psychology, Women in English Literature, Eco-criticism, Comparative Literature, World Literatures in English Translation, Digital literature, Culture Studies and all relevant areas related to the core area. In India, English Studies are on a brighter plane and the need for knowledge in the English language and literature for non-native academics, research scholars and students are needed to enrich the scholarly quality and to create such a platform. Literary Druid gives the opportunity to the deserving aspirants to share their critical and creative outlook through the journal. Quality and novelty-based research papers could be submitted on or before the deadline for April Volume 5 issue 2 2023 online edition. See instructions @

Our journal is indexed in MLA, MIAR, ASI, ROAD, MIR@BEL, Publons, ERIHPLUS, ICI, EBSCO.


Contact details –

Issue edited by – Dr. M. Vinoth Kumar & Mr. S. Kulanthaivel

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