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BodySenseUX 2016 : BodySenseUX workshop @ TEI’16


When Feb 14, 2016 - Feb 14, 2016
Where Eindhoven (NL)
Submission Deadline Dec 14, 2015
Notification Due Dec 18, 2015
Categories    tangible interfaces   user experience   multimodal interaction   user centered design

Call For Papers

In the ubiquitous computing era, where people can seamlessly access with huge quantity of digital information, most interactions are still performed through graphical user interfaces, which limit the number of human senses and abilities involved. This workshop aims at discussing the rich possibilities that the body offers us to experience the external world and the prospects that arise for the interaction designers when these often-neglected abilities are taken into account.

In particular, the workshop will focus on the rediscovery of the five senses, either alone or in a multimodal combination, and of the perceptual-motor abilities of our body. We encourage the participation of young practitioners but also more experienced researchers from different backgrounds (design, engineering, computing, arts, social sciences, neurosciences, ergonomics, etc.), with previous experience in multisensory interaction, full-body interaction or embodied cognition.
Following the success of the first BodySenseUx workshop at UbiComp’15, this will be a one-day workshop of discussions and hands-on activities, focused on physically experiencing our body and senses. At the beginning of the workshop, participants will have the possibility to briefly present and discuss with the other attendees their research. During the next phases of the workshop, participants will have the possibilities to explore and rediscover their sensorimotor abilities through several exercises and games.
Interdisciplinary groups will be challenged to design and develop new interaction experience concepts using our natural ‘tools’ as prototyping tools. Ready-to-use prototyping materials will be provided.

*Topics of interest*
Available places at this hands-on workshop are limited (max 15). Therefore we invite prospective attendees to submit a position paper and accompanying biography to be considered as a workshop participant. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

• Innovative technologies and applications for interacting through unconventional senses and motor abilities
• Theory and ground knowledge on multisensory experiences
• Embodied cognition theory and applications
• Olfactory, gustatory, tactile and spatial-audio interactions
• Full-body interactions
• Bodily play interaction
• Gestural interaction
• Five sense experiences
• Sensory emotional design
• Multisensory branding
• Multisensory games and media

*Submission format*
Workshop candidates are invited to send a position paper of no more than 4 pages in SIGCHI extended abstract format, and must in addition include a short biography detailing their research interests and background. Submissions to this workshop are for participant selection purposes only and will not be subject to full peer review or inclusion in the ACM Digital Library. We have decided to take this approach to allow researchers from all backgrounds and all stages of research to propose ideas without the need to write a fully formed research paper. However, all position papers submitted by successful candidates will be published on the workshop website.
The participants are encouraged to provide their most original ideas that could change the world of full-body and multisensory experience, they can include examples and the paper does not have to necessarily contain unpublished research/works.
Request for participation and position papers should be submitted by email to

Assunta Matassa, University of Turin, Italy
Marianna Obrist, University of Sussex, UK
Leonardo Angelini, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
Maurizio Caon, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
Elena Mugellini, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland


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